[BoulderCouncilHotline] 6500 Arapahoe Annexation

Brockett, Aaron BrockettA at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Dec 14 16:33:45 MST 2022

Hello Hotline followers. Tomorrow night we will consider final approval of the 6500 Arapahoe annexation. In our last meeting we proposed to BVSD that we change the annexation inter-governmental agreement to require that access to the site be taken from 65th Street instead of 63rd Street, which would avoid excessive truck traffic on 63rd street that could have negative impacts on the Columbine mobile home park, other nearby residents, and the neighboring Sombrero Marsh. I'm grateful that the school board, in their meeting last night, agreed to change the IGA so that 65th Street will be used as long as it doesn't interfere with school operations and that traffic on 63rd Street would be avoided to the greatest extent possible. I would like to propose that the city make an additional commitment of an absolute maximum number of trips along 63rd Street to give assurance to Columbine residents and other nearby neighbors that traffic along 63rd will be minimized.

Noise concerns have also been raised about the modular home factory, and the impacts noise might have on neighbors and the marsh. The IGA says that the facility will comply with city and county noise regulations and also contains a provision that an acoustical engineer will be hired to make recommendations about ways to minimize noise from the facility. I would like to propose that we make an additional commitment to follow those recommendations wherever feasible.

So, at our meeting Thursday night, I propose we make the following motion to address these topics:

"Motion to declare that it is council’s desire that the City will mitigate potential impacts on neighboring properties and during the operation of the Affordable Housing Modular Factory and will:

  *   ensure that factory deliveries on 63rd Street will be limited to no more than 12 each month, on average, and
  *   to the extent reasonably feasible, implement noise reduction recommendations by the acoustical engineer in the design and operation of the Factory."

Since this would be a commitment by the city about how it will operate the modular home factory in ways that comply with the IGA with the school district, I don't think any changes to the IGA would be necessary and we can include this motion along with final approval of the annexation agreement and the IGA on Thursday night if council is so interested.


Aaron Brockett



C: 720-984-1863

brocketta at bouldercolorado.gov

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