[BoulderCouncilHotline] Tonight's meeting

Carlisle, Cynthia CarlisleC at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Oct 16 14:51:31 MDT 2018

Dear Council members,

A few thoughts regarding this evening's meeting and the moratorium on large houses on large lots:

*limit length of moratorium to 6 months

*study the fee proposal by Jill and Bob but don’t impose until a nexus study which could be done in less than 6 months

*require additional energy requirements for houses over a certain size

*provide incentives to retain smaller house on lot in exchange for multiple ADUs or lot subdivision 

Regarding the budget:

I have some problems with the process in that it seems rushed, in number of meetings. Each year I'd like to see us take one or two areas--so-called Economic Vitality, for example, or  transportation--and look at them in depth, to better understand how they operate, how funds are collected, expended, number of personnel, etc. My thought is that the budget deserves more than a cursory look. Perhaps more on this at the retreat.

Regarding this budget cycle, some comments:

*why so much funding to economic vitality and why is economic vitality coupled with the parking districts? 

*consolidate parking into transportation rather than having it hang out with "Economic Vitality" which is now staffed by the Parks and Rec Director. What?

*take additional funds from CVB and dedicate to long-term library needs, culture and arts operating budgets (as brought up by Bob), and OSMP trail maintenance. Seems that funds brought in by visitors could be properly used to fund the very things visitors come to see and use. 

Best regards,

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