[BoulderCouncilHotline] Short Term Rental Ordinance

Carr, Thomas CarrT at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Jan 4 10:52:32 MST 2018

This evening, council will consider on first reading changes to the city's short term rental ordinance.  At the council agenda meeting on Monday, a council member raised a question about language that would be added to the definition of short-term rental on page 64 of the packet.  The added language was intended to clarify that short-term rentals are for residential uses only and not a means to facilitate other commercial activities, such as hosting meetings, banquets or weddings.  The confusion arose, because staff did not want to appear to prohibit such activities that are not done as part of a commercial venture.  Thus, the proposed language included a requirement that such hosting be done for direct or indirect compensation.  Unfortunately, the draft in the agenda packet included a placement of that phrase that did not allow for clarity about what it was modifying.  At tonight's meeting staff will propose that council instead pass a slightly revised version that I believe provides more clarity.  The revised version is attached.  I have copied the revised language below:

Short-term rental means any dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit, room or portion of any dwelling unit, rooming unit, room being offered, advertised, rented or leased to any person for valuable consideration for periods of time less than thirty days, but excludes commercial hotels, motels or bed and breakfasts. A short-term rental is a residential use that is accessory to such dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit, or room and no person shall use a short-term rental for meetings, including but not limited to weddings, banquets, fund raisers or similar gatherings, when such person is receiving compensation, directly or indirectly.

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