[BoulderCouncilHotline] Additional Information on 2018 Recommended Budget

Doelling, Kady DoellingK at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Oct 3 10:44:32 MDT 2017

Dear Council Members,

In the last few days, council members have asked questions on Hotline or in emails about several matters relating to the 2018 budget proposals.  Staff responses to these questions follows:

  *   Additional Information on Economic Vitality Coordinator

The 2018 Recommended Budget proposes to remove a vacant Economic Vitality Coordinator from the Community Vitality Department. The Economic Vitality Coordinator has been vacant for the past two years and the city was unsuccessful in finding the right fit for the position after two recruitment processes.   In the meantime, the Economic Vitality program has been managed by a new position, the Deputy Director of Community Vitality held by Susan Connelly and in partnership with Jennifer Pinsonneault, Business Liaison.  Both have done an excellent job with continuing to implement the program. As we move forward, it would be in the interest of the city to complete the Downtown Retail Strategy in the coming months and the larger citywide strategy in 2018.  Following that work and a review of the recommendations, the city would be in a stronger position to consider the business need regarding the organizational structure and/or the specifics of a new role to bring forward to Council to advance the identified economic vitality objectives. Finally, the 2018 Recommend Budget includes $50,000 to support the Boulder virtual technology business incubator in providing highly specialized assistance to advanced technology and innovation companies in the city not served by existing programs. Offering these services will increase the chances that these high potential businesses will be successful and contribute to long term economic sustainability.

  *   Liquor Occupation Tax for Manufacturer's and Wholesaler's licenses

On September 28, 2017, an Information Packet<https://www-static.bouldercolorado.gov/docs/2017_09_28_IP-1-201709281010.pdf?_ga=2.235210753.1462612039.1506957844-271140963.1494979618> was provided to Council regarding staff recommendation for invoicing liquor occupation tax for Manufacturer's and Wholesaler's licensees, which has previously and erroneously not been collected. The recommendation from city staff is to begin a phased implementation of the occupation tax to these specific licensees beginning January 1, 2018.

The 2018 Recommended Budget, however, does not include increased revenue for this specific license due to the ongoing and unknown nature of the situation and proposal. Furthermore, the staff recommendation will be discussed in detail at the November 14, 2017 special council meeting.

  *   General Fund Capital Plan Budget relative Operating Budget Increase

The operating budget for the city is increasing due to investments in community priorities, including dedicating resources to General Fund capital needs.  The proposed allocation of $3.65 million for General Fund Capital Improvements in 2018 represents 54 percent of the increase to the General Fund portion of the operating budget (or 22 percent of the overall increase to the operating budget).   This initial budget will provide funding for the most critical items and will allow staff to develop a formal capital policy for the General Fund with proposed future funding included in the 2019-2024 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Council review and consideration.

  *   2018 Unfunded Needs

Please see the attachment for a complete list of 2018 operating budget requests that were submitted and not approved in 2018. Additionally, unfunded needs from a capital perspective can be found on page 279 of the 2018-2023 Draft Capital Improvement Program<https://www-static.bouldercolorado.gov/docs/Draft_2018-23_CIP-1-201707141600.pdf?_ga=2.231672991.1462612039.1506957844-271140963.1494979618https://www-static.bouldercolorado.gov/docs/Draft_2018-23_CIP-1-201707141600.pdf?_ga=2.231672991.1462612039.1506957844-271140963.1494979618>.

Of these lists, the next highest priority items include increasing capital budgets. As listed above, there are several needs and high priority items that cannot be covered by existing revenues. An abbreviated list, some of which are subject to voter approval in November, include:

     *   Radio Infrastructure
     *   Fire Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
     *   Gender Neutral Restrooms
     *   Public Restrooms at the Atrium
     *   Fire Station #3 Relocation
     *   Information Technology Systems


Kady Doelling
Executive Budget Officer
[cid:image001.png at 01D2C99E.5DEC03D0]
O: 303-441-1848
C: 720-724-6409
doellingk at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:doellingk at bouldercolorado.gov>

Finance Department
1777 Broadway | Boulder, CO 80304

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