[BoulderCouncilHotline] Fwd: Alternative to Airport to Andrus Multi Use Path and Paths to Boulder Creek.
Young, Mary
YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Oct 3 08:20:59 MDT 2017
Dear Colleagues,
Below is an email I received from Hep Ingham. It is the same text from an earlier email that the entire council received earlier this year (April, I believe.)
The subject relates to the transfer/disposal that is on our agenda tonight, though not directly. I spent some time out in the area with Hep, a neighbor or two, Transportation and Open Space staff back in April.
I bring this to your attention because Hep's suggestion has merit and I would like to take tonight's related discussion as an opportunity to ask for a nod of five to ask staff to further investigate Hep's suggested option, especially east of 61st where the proposed path cuts through a historic pasture.
Thank you.
Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council
Begin forwarded message:
From: "hep" <hep at igc.org<mailto:hep at igc.org>>
To: "Young, Mary" <YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov>>
Subject: Alternative to Airport to Andrus Multi Use Path and Paths to Boulder Creek.
Hep Ingham
3164 61st
Dear City of Boulder,
I received a notice in March of 2016 announcing a multi-use path would be built along the north and east borders of the open space pastures on either side of 61st St. I've written several emails to Council, City Manager and Planning, culminating in a second on site meeting (May 2017) with planners Mike Sweeney, Mark Gersham and John (?). Mary Young from City Council and my neighbor John Quinlann were also present.
John and I are opposed to the plan because it doesn't make sense to pave or alter valuable pasture lands when a simpler, less costly and safer alternative is available.
Before discussing the alternative, I wanted to bring to your attention an item raised during the meeting with Mike Sweeney. He mentioned that Melanie Sloan had carried out extensive community outreach meetings and from these meetings the plan was set.
In a conversation with Bill Reynolds after the May meeting I laid out the City plan and what I consider a better alternative. He asked a question and made a comment. His question was "Were you given notice by the City of the initial planning meetings?" Neither John Quinlann or I received any notice of the planning meetings concerned with community input. Bill stated that we were not "properly noticed" concerning the Andrus to Airport Blvd path and we should've been invited to participate. John confirmed that his neighbor, Gordon Arbuckle, had not received notification. Bill’s comment is in the Conclusion.
Details of the proposed City paths and the Alternative (Attachment figure 1 ).
The City is planning on 3 paths; one along the RTD Railroad Tracks (RTT), one along the east side of 61st ST (61P), one between Airport Blvd and Andrus Rd (AAR). These are Red, Brown and Blue. The alternative is shown in Yellow.
The main arguments for adopting the Alternative are:
• Connects directly with existing Boulder Creek Path at Valmont.
• Does not have cyclists or pedestrians crossing 61st St
• Saves the Open Space pastures from reduction in area and loss of irrigation
• Uses existing roads and bridge, does not require re-fencing.
The recent re-direction of Boulder Creek (east of 61st St, LUR2016-00107) to its historical channel resulted in reinforcing the existing path going around the East Pasture on the north bank of Boulder Creek. The earth moving trucks packed and graded the road, the photos show the road as it existed this spring and summer (see attachment Sept6EastAlt.jpg). This road could be used with little modification for the path.
The CoB planners have executed a plan with high professional integrity, but their target goal wasn’t right. Had the residents affected by the path been included in the planning process we would’ve urged the preservation of the Open Space pastures and stressed minimizing any additional destruction to the land. This means using the old farm roads that have existed since the late 1800s, using the space under the existing bridge and following the design and flow of the Boulder Creek Path that runs from Eben Fine Park to Butte Mill Road. Bill Reynolds’ comment is apt, quoting “If you can give the people of Boulder an enjoyable and beautiful experience while saving the tax payer money, you should do it.”
The pastures should be preserved for whom ever gets the lease from OSMP.
The following is an analysis of the arguments presented above.
A total of 3 CoB paths are planned, two of the paths will connect the terminus of the Boulder Creek Path (BCP) near Valmont and Butte Mill to a third path, which will complete the connection to 63rd St, The three paths are RTD Railroad Tracks (RTT), 61st St P (61P) and the Airport Blvd to Andrus Road (AAR) . These 3 paths together constitute the CoB plan.
Starting at Valmont and Butte Mill Rd then heading east and north they are: (see Figure 1)
1. The RTT will run along the old railroad tracks running parallel to Valmont, crossing 61st St at the Ready Mix.
2. The 61P run along the east side of 61st St crossing Boulder Creek.
3. The AAR starts at Airport Blvd and then cuts into the Klein-Straty pasture (KSP) along its entire west, north and part of the east boundaries, crossing 61st St, running along the north boundary of East Pasture parcel, eventually connecting with the 63rd St path.
After receiving the notice that the Airport to Andrus Path would be built I contacted Melanie Sloan and wrote/voiced my objections. My main questions at the time concerned only the Airport to Andrus Path since the other two were unknown to me. The first question I asked was “Why would you build a bike path through these pastures when you can use existing roads and farm trails?” My second question was “Why would you have an “at grade” crossing when you can use the space under the existing bridge?” After learning of the other two proposed paths I suggested the alternative Single Path running along the north bank of Boulder Creek from the terminus of the BCP at Valmont to 63rd St .
Comparison of the Plans – looking only at exceptions between the two.
CoB Plan - Will require 3 separate paths. Will require grading along 61st St and around the Klein-Straty pasture and through the East Pasture. Will require pulling up the old railroad tracks along RRT. AAR will require re-fencing the entire length from Airport Blvd to 63rd St, with double fencing approaching 63rd st. Will require a new bridge to cross Boulder Creek at 61st St. Will require bicycle traffic signals at the Ready Mix and at the 61st St crossing from the East Pasture. Will require sub-grade tunnel between East Pasture and 61st St (future cost).
Alternative - Will require a bridge over N. Boulder Creek confluence with S. Boulder Creek. Will require flood wall under existing 61st St bridge over Boulder Creek. Extra distance around East Pasture is zeroed out if RRT and 61P are NOT built.
Commuter Directness
CoB Plan - Path from East Pasture to Airport Blvd will not be used by Gunbarrel commuters. Has two crossings over 61st ST requiring right angle turns.
Alternative – will require an extra 68 seconds to circumnavigate the East Pasture (1200 ft at 12mph).
Flood Cleanup
Alternative – north bank of Boulder Creek is expected to flood 25-35 years and require mud clean-up
Wildlife Impact
CoB Plan – will impact hedge ecology growing along N. Boulder Farmers Ditch and the old pond in the Klein-Straty Pasture. Will cut through wetlands in north east corner of Kelin-Straty Pasture.
Alternative – will impact ecology of north bank of Boulder Creek consistent with other paths.
CoB Plan – will have cyclist cross 61st St
Loss of Open Space Pasture
CoB Plan – will cut into west, north and partial east boundary of the Klein-Straty Pasture. Will bisect East Pasture cutting off acreage from lease.
Change in Irrigation
CoB Plan – disrupts flood irrigation of the 60 acre Klein-Straty Pature. Cuts off irrigation laterals for the East Pasture and the small parcel
Land Access
CoB Plan – AAR path will block truck ramp at north east corner of Klein-Straty pasture.
Other Ideas
Riders from Gunbarrel heading to Airport Blvd have already committed to Jay Road and the Cottonwood Path. A path from 57th St and Independence circling around the east end of the airport runway would be the shortest route and would not lose elevation gained riding in from Jay and 63rd St. Other options could be explored for connecting from Valmont Road west of 55th St to Airport Blvd.
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