[bouldercouncilhotline] Budget question

Appelbaum, Matt Appelbaumm at bouldercolorado.gov
Sun Oct 1 13:03:12 MDT 2017

I perhaps should have asked this at the previous budget discussion, but it seemed that the proposed budget was appropriate and not likely to be changed.  However, now that the proposed budget, unfortunately, includes additional funding for human services and the arts, this added information is more relevant for me.  Simply: what are the next highest priorities (say, the next dozen or so) for general fund dollars in either operating or capital that are not being funded in 2018?  We used to get this info in some detail so that we could better understand trade-offs, but we didn't seem to get it this year.  Since I'm (obviously) not supportive of the council-requested change, and somewhat concerned about the cuts necessary to implement it, I'd like to get a broader view of other items that might be funded with our new-found money.  Just as an example, I think increased funding for GF capital would be an excellent idea.
Thanks --Matt
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