[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: WaterNow Alliance Summit in Boulder

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Mar 27 12:03:58 MDT 2017

Sender: Appelbaum, Matt

Colleagues - As I think you are aware, I've been on the steering committee of the WaterNow Alliance since it was created, thanks to my work at NLC.  After a year or so of effort to establish the organization, it has now grown to include well over 100 members and has run two very successful Summits - with the next one to be held right here in Boulder on April 20 and 21.

You can find out much more about WaterNow at www.waternowalliance.org<http://www.waternowalliance.org> and you can register for the Summit at http://waternowalliance.org/events/

While the meeting runs for the entire day of April 20 and the morning of April 21, it's fine to come for just the sessions you are interested in and can fit into your schedule.  Our city water utility staff will be, I believe, taking part in two of the sessions.  A particularly interesting set of talks will be held in the late afternoon of the 20th at NCAR's mesa site on how climate change will affect water availability and drought, followed by a tour and reception.  There will also be a dinner at the Teahouse that evening.

The Summit is entirely free, but you must register in advance.  Staff is also welcome, although the emphasis of WaterNow is providing information to elected or appointed officials of water boards and districts.

If you have any questions about WaterNow or the Summit please contact me.  It's likely I will remain actively engaged with this organization for another year or two, even past my service on council, and hope that Boulder remains engaged as well since issues of water sustainability, particularly in the Colorado River Basin that has been WaterNow's initial focus, will only get more critical as climate change continues to greatly exacerbate the already difficult future we face.


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