[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Thoughts on CU South guiding principles

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Jun 15 14:16:01 MDT 2017

Sender: Brockett, Aaron

Dear colleagues and hotline readers,

I have three edits that I would like to suggest to the CU South guiding principles in order to clarify our intention to conserve, protect, and restore areas with high ecological values as well as to signal our interest in the possibility of removing the existing levee on the property:

  1.  In the Flood Safety section, under item 1c regarding the flood mitigation area, add the words "and/or restore" as follows: "Explore opportunities for passive and active recreation activities, or other uses compatible with the floodwater mitigation system and where possible, conserve and/or restore areas within the flood mitigation facilities with high ecological value and mitigate impacts. "
  2.  In the "Area protected by the levee system section", change the first sentence of item 2b to the following: "In this area, the city will conduct further analysis of ecological values and recreation opportunities and seek to collaborate with CU to protect and restore high ecological value areas as well as to provide opportunities for recreation in lower ecological value areas."
  3.  In the "Levee system" section, change the final sentence to "The city will seek to work with CU to evaluate the potential benefits of removing the levee, including potential ecological restoration or enhancement benefits."

I look forward to our discussion on the matter on July 11th and to moving ahead with flood mitigation work to protect our downstream residents.


Aaron Brockett

Boulder City Council member

brocketta at bouldercolorado.gov

(720) 984-1863

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