[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: CU South Comments
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Jun 15 10:19:07 MDT 2017
Sender: Young, Mary
Dear Colleagues, Planning Board Members, Community Members,
As we did not have the opportunity to launch into a full discussion last Tuesday regarding the BVCP Guiding Principles for CU South, here are thoughts I had prepared for your consideration.
1. Under General principles add a bullet item stating that flood mitigation is a top priority. It is the primary reason we are undergoing these discussions in the first place. Let's not lose sight of that.
2. Under Principles for the Area Designated as Public (P) in the first line change "Implement" to "Analysis and Design." Semantics, but words matter. You cannot implement something without Analysis and Design.
3. In the same paragraph as above add social such that the last sentence reads "environmental, social and financial impacts. Social impacts are an important consideration, let's not lose sight of that either.
4. Also Under Flood Mitigation Phase 1, to the list of alphabetic bullet items, add statement: "Proper data collection and modeling will be conducted to inform design, especially flood storage and attenuation in flash flood scenario with and without the levee in place." And another bullet item in same paragraph: "Begin, immediately, studying groundwater characteristics through ongoing data collection."
5. Under Site Design, include under Environmental standards: "All habitable structures will be constructed outside of the 500 year flood plane."
6. Under Transportation, add under Connected multimodal systems "as approved in OSMP plans and approved by council" such that the end of the sentence reads: "... soft surface recreation trails, and a trail link as approved in OSMP plans and approved by council to the South Boulder Creek Trail."
7. Under Transportation add a statement that limits ingress and egress to potential development to uphill of the site. This is for emergency situations and life safety scenarios that may occur due to future flooding in the area.
Thank you for considering.
Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council
"All ethics . . . rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts . . ." - Aldo Leopold
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