[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Central Park Safety Update and Nuisance Issue

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed May 25 08:36:11 MDT 2016

Sender: Shoemaker, Andrew

I am writing for two reasons:
(1) To request that CAC schedule at the beginning of our June 7 meeting an update by the Chief of Police regarding efforts being undertaken at the beginning of this summer season to ensure a safe, welcoming, and clean atmosphere in the Central Park and Boulder Creek Path areas; and
(2) In light of recent feedback regarding nuisance/quality of life issues, and with an eye towards the possibility of a solution prior to the start of the 2016/17 school year, to request that staff provide an estimate of the time necessary for a potential ordinance concerning the storage and use of "beer pong" tables in front yards, and based on that information whether there might be a nod of five Council members to pursue the matter further.

Andrew Shoemaker
Member, Boulder City Council

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