[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Fwd: You Are Invited to Rocky Mountain Greenway Trail Dedication

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed May 25 08:11:02 MDT 2016

Sender: Morzel, Lisa

Dear Colleagues,

Please see announcement below for the opening of the next section of the Rocky Mountain Greenway in Arvada on June 4th.

A little history and background about the RMG:  this is one of President Obama and former Secretary of the Interior Salazar's vision for the country where 2 regional family friendly trails per state are identified and constructed to allow people of all walks of life to enjoy and have a better connection with nature in the form of a non-motorized regional trail. None of these trails have dedicated funds; their development depends on connecting existing trails and identifying sources of funds/grants to help in construction.

In winter of 2012 at the opening celebration of America Great Outdoors program and the beginning of the RMG, the RMG was just a vision with no funds which started at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal.  In just 4 short years, the RMG is now upon Boulder and set to go from our southern OSMP lands through Boulder north to Lyons.

Last night council discussed the north TSA and the fact that trails there will need to connect with regional trails. For the RMG to connect from north Boulder to Lyons, it will be critical to identify a family friendly route on the east side of US 36.  We cannot do this in 10-15 years but need to do planning for this trail now and in the near future given the regional and local momentum and support for this trail.

I plan in attending the opening in Arvada June 4th of the next segment of the RMG.  If anyone would like to carpool with me, please let me know.




"Politics is what we create by what we do, what we hope for, and what we dare to imagine."  Paul Wellstone 1944-2002

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joy Wasendorf <joy at cig-pr.com<mailto:joy at cig-pr.com>>
Date: May 24, 2016, 4:20:03 PM MDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: You Are Invited to Rocky Mountain Greenway Trail Dedication

Below (and attached to this email) are the details on the Saturday, June 4, event in Arvada dedicating the next section of the Rocky Mountain Greenway trail.

In conjunction with this event, we invite you to learn more about this exciting, multi-jurisdictional project by visiting www.rockymtngreenway.org<http://www.rockymtngreenway.org/> and sharing this link with any friends, family members and colleagues who might be interested in this significant undertaking to improve the recreational amenities of Colorado’s Front Range and better connect residents with the state’s natural resources.
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