[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Policy Comments for BVCP

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed May 25 07:46:33 MDT 2016

Sender: Young, Mary

David, Jean and Lesli,

Below are my comments on policies that I was unable to convey at the study session tonight. Thank you for your consideration of them and for the fine work you have done on the 2015 update!

First, I would like to re-emphasize addressing the challenges raised by high groundwater. I understand that options are limited due to water law and such, but some guidance for future planning boards and councils would be helpful. Faced with decisions around development and unknown consequences of groundwater effects on existing residents, at the very least a mention of the precautionary principle would be in order.

>From memo:

Policy 6.05: Accessibility, combined with “6.06, mobility services” – new language to address accessibility for all users including mobility for older adults and people with disabilities. Accessibility should be commensurate with job growth (TMP).

Suggestion for revised language that addresses accessibility for all:
Transit service is a public good. Similar to schools, utilities, libraries, roads, and parks, transit provides one of life’s necessities – transportation. For those who choose not to or cannot drive a car, transportation provided by public operators, non-profits, volunteers, or private companies get people to work, school, doctors, grocery stores, and other destinations. The city will work and partner with transportation operators to ensure accessibility for all to this basic need.

>From memo:
Add policy language emphasizing guiding principles for Human Services delivery (e.g., data-driven outcomes; investing in prevention to forestall crisis and improve self-sufficiency; supporting best-practice and evidence-based programs (evaluate how clients and the community are better off as a result); and coordinating and integrating city-provided services with partners and the county and in the community.
(Potential new policies and revisions to policies 8.01- Providing for a Broad Spectrum of Human Needs, 8.02- Regional Approach to Human Services, 8.03 – Equitable Distribution of Resources, 8.04 – Addressing Community Deficiencies)

Applaud basis for new language and would like to suggest that the coordination and integration of city provided services with partners extend beyond obvious partners and seemingly unrelated agencies, e.g. facilitating partnerships between Bridge House's Ready to Work Program and agencies that are currently facing driver shortages (RTD, Via, etc.)

>From memo:
Policy 8.07-Physical Health: expand definition of physical health to include total physical, mental and social well-being.

Thank you for including the idea of building social capital in neighborhoods as it is an important component of community resiliency.

The memo stated that suggestions were made by the public to pepper the document with quotes, so here is one I would like to offer for consideration in section 8: "Place is differentiated from space by its psychological dimension, measured by memory 
and emotion rather than feet and inches."  -Richard Nonas, artist/anthropologist

>From memo:
Policy 9.06: Change title to “Access to Healthy Food” from “Locally-Produced Food” - expand to include support for programs (e.g. Harvest Bucks program) and goal of creating a market hall in the civic area.

Suggestion: Include partnering with programs such as Boulder Valley School District's Central Kitchen and Bridge House's Community Kitchen.

>From memo:
On page 301, Portland's Vision 2035 includes the following: "Limit involuntary displacement of under-served and under-represented people. Use public investments and coordinate with non-profit housing organizations to mitigate impacts of involuntary displacement."

Suggestion: Find a place for this vision. Boulder has pockets of too many people at risk of involuntary displacement. All of the policies shown from Portland's Vision 2035 are worth incorporating in some way into our comprehensive plan.


Mary Dolores Young
Mayor Pro Tem
Boulder City Council

"All ethics . . . rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts . . ." - Aldo Leopold

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