[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Consent agenda second readings
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri May 13 14:55:33 MDT 2016
Sender: Morzel, Lisa
I am still very uncomfortable able going forward with 4 second readings on the consent agenda and no public hearing planned for these items even though I suppose the public could comment during public participation. Not having second reading public hearings is a serious departure from decades' long time-honored process where the public spoke on these ordinances under the portion of council's business meetings entitled "public hearings". I think this is where the public looks, not the consent agenda, to see what items council is considering that may impact or affect them.
I recognize we desire to have efficient meetings and not make them lengthy into the night but I believe these four items would add far less than an hour to our meeting on Tuesday, which is scheduled to end by 10:30. An essential component to democracy is to have transparent government. And trust by our public is also essential so it is imperative they know what is being passed. The other alternative is to not put so many items on our agenda for one meeting and to schedule to a time to allow for public input.
If you look at our charter language, it says
Sec. 16. - Legislative procedure.
The council shall act only by ordinance, resolution, or motion. All legislative enactments must be in the form of ordinances; all other procedure may be in the form of resolutions or motions. The enacting clause of all ordinances passed by the council shall be in these words: "Be it ordained by the city council of the City of Boulder." All ordinances and resolutions shall be confined to one subject clearly expressed in the title, and ordinances making appropriations shall be confined to the subject of appropriations. The final reading shall be in full, unless the measure shall have been printed and a copy thereof furnished to each council member prior to such reading. The ayes and noes shall be taken upon the passage of all ordinances, resolutions, or motions and entered upon the journal of council proceedings, and every ordinance, resolution, or motion shall require on final passage the affirmative vote of a majority of the council members present. Should any council member being present refuse to vote on any measure, said member's vote shall be recorded in the affirmative; and no council member shall be excused from voting except on matters involving the consideration of said member's official conduct or where said member's financial interests are involved.*
I will be requesting once again as I did last week at cac that these four items be scheduled for public hearings. I think this potential practice of not placing second readings under public hearings is a slippery slope that will degrade to keeping the public uninformed and having little voice in their government, despite whether cac thinks that second reading require a public hearing or not. It is well worth the time to maintain the trust of our public by intentionally being as transparent in our proceedings as possible.
Thanks. See you Monday morning.
Lisa Morzel
Member, Boulder City Council
303-938-8520 h
303-815-6723 c
"We interact with one another as individuals responding to a complex haze of factors: professional responsibilities, personal likes and dislikes, ambition, jealousy, self-interest, and, in at least some instances, genuine altruism. Living in the here and now, we are awash with sensations of the present, memories of the past, and expectations and fears for the future. Our actions are not determined by any one cause; they are the fulfillment of who we are at that particular moment. After that moment passes, we continue to evolve, to change, and our memories of that moment inevitably change with us as we live with the consequences of our past actions, consequences we were unaware of at the time." The Last Stand, Nathaniel Philbrick
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