[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Council Committee Assignment preferences for Sam Weaver

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Jan 11 07:27:52 MST 2016

Sender: Weaver, Sam

Fellow Council Members and HOTLINE followers,

At this Tuesday's study sessions, one item for discussion will be our respective committee assignments for the coming two years.  Since I will miss that meeting, I am expressing my preferences with this email.

I currently serve on the following Council committees:

CU/City Oversight
Downtown Business Improvement District
Charter Committee
Legislative Committee

I would like to maintain my membership on all of these committees.

I would also be willing to be part of the Audit Committee or the Dairy Center for the Arts, depending on the preferences of other Council members.

Sister Cities: I am currently the City rep for Dushanbe.  I would be happy to move to either Yateras, Cuba or Yamagata, Japan as both of those have lost their rep.  My preference would be for Yateras, but I am flexible.

All the best,

Sam Weaver
Member of Boulder City Council
weavers at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:sam at sam4council.org>
Phone: 303-416-6130

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