[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: World of Beer Use Review, Item 8A(4) of the 3/17 Agenda

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Mar 16 09:29:50 MDT 2015

Sender: Cowles, Macon

P. 464 and p. 479 of the packet (included as attachments) show an area map and a premises diagram for World of Beer (WOB) at 921 Pearl. The Management Plan offered by WOB says that its employees will regularly monitor the rear hallway and the alley. See p. 473. 

The smoking ban for the Downtown Business District contained in Ordinance 8015 terminates at a line in the middle of the alley adjacent to WOB, as illustrated by the map of the Business District that is referenced in Ord. 8015.

Since the restrooms available for staff and patrons of WOB are in a corridor at the rear of the restaurant, and that corridor opens directly onto the alley, the alley provides a convenient place for people to congregate and smoke, which likely will disturb the residences adjacent to the alley.

This potential source of ongoing late night conversation adjacent to residences could be mitigated. Two solutions come to mind, but there may be others.

1. The alley entrance from the rear corridor could be designed and designated as an emergency exit only. This would likely require an additional condition of approval to make this change enforceable.

2. Ordinance 8015 could be amended so that the smoking prohibition extends to the red lines shown here:

I believe that solution 2 was considered by Council at the February 3rd meeting as an amendment to Ord. 8015 but the amendment did not carry.

Macon Cowles
Boulder City Council Member
1726 Mapleton Ave.
Boulder, Colorado 80304
CowlesM at bouldercolorado.gov
(303) 447-3062
(303) 638-6884
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