[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Living Labs Update

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Jul 31 09:29:05 MDT 2015

Sender: Rait, Maureen

Living Labs, Phase II/(Right-sizing)   
Update provided at the July 28, 2015 City Council Meeting

The recent changes to Folsom are part of the city’s Living Laboratory program.  This was one outcome of the update to the Transportation Master Plan.  

The City is only experimenting with the Folsom corridor at this time.

Folsom provides an opportunity to test street design techniques currently being used around the country and solicit community input regarding what is – or is not – a good
 fit for Boulder.  The corridor projects on Iris and on 63rd
are not moving forward at this time. 
Instead, staff will be seeking feedback from the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) and City Council – as the intention is to learn from the experience on Folsom.  
I would like to acknowledge the patience and cooperation of the community during the Folsom pilot effort.  We’ve heard the frustrations and appreciate the feedback that is helping us respond to the concerns raised about implementation impacts.    
Since 5/7/15, we’ve received
983 comments from Email, Inspire Boulder, Inquire Boulder, the Online Feedback Form and Phone Calls. 
Additionally, we are keeping track of the Daily Camera Articles, guest opinions, and letters to the editor. 
City staff is following up on specific concerns that have been observed (such as queuing issues at left turn lanes which block through traffic at certain
 times of the day) to determine the frequency and whether improvements are needed to address these issues.

 Staff continues to gather data for all modes along the corridor.  This information is being compared with previously collected baseline data from Folsom
 as well as adjacent streets so that we can understand the extent to which driving behaviors have shifted or changed.  
We continue to solicit input from emergency responders.  

With regard to maintenance, prior experience with the protected bike lanes on University Avenue is helping us plan for inclement weather, including how we deal with debris removal from a roadway, with protected bike lanes. We are also exploring new technology and equipment based upon research from peer communities regionally  and nationally.  
Soon both the Boulder Valley School District and CU will be in session, which will provide us with additional information. 
Data regarding the Folsom corridor is being reported on the Living Lab project website, along with responses to Frequently Asked Questions: 
As new data is collected it is reported at this same website location.
We are also working to improve our communication and public information about the pavement markings, signs and delineators along this corridor.
Detailed information regarding the implementation along Folsom will be provided to the Transportation Advisory Board at their
August 10th meeting  - and to City Council, as part of the Transportation Master Plan Implementation Update, at the
August 25th Study Session.  
The technical evaluation and feedback will help determine how or if we move forward.  Any proposed action can be scheduled for City Council consideration
 at a subsequent business meeting.
Maureen Rait
Executive Director of Public Works

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