[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Neighborhood liaison and 1995 Boulder Conference of Neighborhoods
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Feb 24 12:51:34 MST 2015
Sender: Lewis, Alisa
From: lisa morzel [mailto:lisamorzel at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 11:59 AM
Subject: HOTLINE: Neighborhood liaison and 1995 Boulder Conference of Neighborhoods
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Recently I was cleaning out some old files that go back more than 20 years. I came across my file entitled "Neighborhoods" and have attached 2 documents: one is from the then new neighborhood liaison, Molly Dessonville (now Tayer); the other are notes from a 1995 Boulder conference of neighborhoods, a great event.
Finding these files reminded me of the early 1990's in Boulder when many in neighborhoods felt disenfranchised and unheard. Several of us from neighborhood interests organized and lobbied the city council at the time to hire a neighborhood liaison. That person was to represent our interests, help explain the many processes in the city where a resident can have an effective voice, and was to help advocate for neighborhood interests and provide guidance and heads up notices for those not so connected in the city but concerned about various issues in the city.
After many letters and appearances at citizen participation at city council meetings, the council at the time directed the city manager to hire a neighborhood liaison. Residents were able to be part of the interviewing processes of candidates and provide their recommendation to council and the city manager. It was a very inclusive process and was very helpful to residents.
Please look at both documents. Many of the issues we addressed 20 years ago are still very current.
I look forward to a new neighborhood liaison coming to Boulder. Maybe after that person is hired, we may want to consider a Boulder conference of neighborhoods that would include all residents, including owners, renters, shared housing, mobile home parks, etc. Everyone who lives in Boulder lives in a neighborhood.
Enjoy the read! Best to all,
"Politics is what we create by what we do, what we hope for, and what we dare to imagine."
Paul Wellstone (1944-2002)
"The basic principle in planning a city is that it should be designed for human beings."
Dennis O'Harrow, former long-time executive director, American Society of Planning Officials
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