[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Hotline
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Feb 24 12:55:25 MST 2015
Sender: Lewis, Alisa
From: lisa morzel [mailto:lisamorzel at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 12:54 PM
To: Lewis, Alisa; Council; Driskell, David; Carr, Thomas; Pannewig, Hella
Subject: Questions regarding PB motion last Thursday
Below I have posted the Planning Board motion passed last week regarding height modifications.
My questions for now are:
1. What is considered a complete site review application?
2. What specific projects are included in the motion that have a "completed site review application by January 21, 2015"?
The motion passed by PB last Thursday is below:
"The Planning Board recommends that Council adopt ordnance 8028 amending the Building Height regulations and requirements of Title 9, land use code BRC 1981 for certain areas of the city that meet the following conditions to be considered an exclusion:
1) A complete Site Review application that has been submitted by January 21, 2015
2) A site review application that is for an upgrade of an emergency operations antennae.
3) A concept and site review application for Fraiser Meadows
All other exclusions in Ordinance 8028 are recommended to be removed.
Planning Board further recommends that before other exclusions are added to ordinance 8028 that the following take place:
1) City Council expands the Affordable Housing Linkage fees, that are currently only applied in the DT zones, to all commercial zones and the fees are at the same rate that
are currently applied in the DT zones until a new study is complete and adopted. In addition the Affordable Housing Linkage fees should be for the entire buildings square footage.
2) City Council adopts site review criteria for height modifications that define community benefit."
Approved by Planning Board 4-2
"Politics is what we create by what we do, what we hope for, and what we dare to imagine."
Paul Wellstone (1944-2002)
"The basic principle in planning a city is that it should be designed for human beings."
Dennis O'Harrow, former long-time executive director, American Society of Planning Officials
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