[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Thoughts on Folsom and suggested changes that need to be made

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Aug 25 15:44:48 MDT 2015

Sender: Morzel, Lisa

Thoughts on Folsom and suggested changes that need to be made

I am a daily bicycle commuter year round and use Folsom, 19th, Elmer's two mile path, and 4th street (sometimes broadway) to go from north Boulder to other destinations.  

I voted for this experiment.  During the meeting, I stated my concerns about the scale of the project, the scale of each street, the lack of public process to date, the lack of data we received on which to base the experiment, that this was too fast and not incremental, and that I'd prefer to start with a segment of one street.

Nonetheless, I voted for it because I do support streets with access for all. In fact, I have voted and/or advocated for all the improved shared streets (north Broadway, 17th, 13th, west table mesa, etc) we now have in Boulder since 1992.  All of those were done on segments of streets and done incrementally.

It is clear from public reaction to Folsom, our process with the public was sorely lacking, data was not given to council when it should have been, and significant changes to the experiment on Folsom are needed.

We made a mistake in not vetting this more with the public and working with them constructively.  We have not effectively engaged our residents and we now need to rectify the current situation. 


1.  An apology from our staff and the city is in order. That our staff deliberately conducted an "enhanced and focused public process" is code word for disrespectfully eliminating the majority of the public from knowledge of what was in store and thus any participation for them to comment. 

2.  This was conducted as an experiment and, as such, changes/improvements need to occur immediately in the course of this experiment. 

3. Staff did not anticipate nor study potential conflicts at intersections, such as at Pearl and Folsom and at Canyon and Folsom.  Nor did staff consider what may occur during the experiment at critical mid-block crossings, such as at Spruce and Folsom and Walnut and Folsom. Nor did staff consider the serious economic impacts to businesses along Folsom. These need further objective examination and analyses.

4.  No analysis was conducted by staff prior to starting the experiment on what the impact of displacing drivers on Folsom may have on side and other streets.  In fact, little to no data was provided.   I suggest we now collect data on impacts to side streets as well as 28th St. , 19th, 30th, and Broadway.  These analyses need to occur prior to proceeding. 

5.    Given these circumstances, I suggest the following:
A. Continue the experiment on Folsom for the full year; however, given the serious issues at the intersections, mid-block crossings, and businesses on Folsom, I propose the experiment on Folsom to be partially rolled back.  Continue the experiment from Valmont to Pine; curtail the experiment farther south of Pine until further objective analyses is completed. 

B.  Having lived in north Boulder for over 37 years between 19th and 28th and north of Iris, it is clear that perhaps a transit van or bus is needed along the Folsom corridor from Jay to Canyon that could connect to the HOP.  This may incentivize those who never can nor will ride bikes to use transit and contribute to our goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  This should be considered. 

C.  The timing for this project was extremely poorly planned.  Too much is on everyone's plate, including council, staff, and the public.  Council is making decisions in haste, staff is burnt out, the public cannot follow all the things we have occurring that could potentially affect them.  Council must reduce the number of weekly meetings we are having.  No one can keep this pace and effectively engage the public with whom we are elected to represent. 

D. Spend the funds we have dedicated to the current streets project and spend these funds in improving bicycle/pedestrian safety by filling potholes and increasing the number of safe crosswalks.  I'd like to know the number of accidents reported by bicyclists due to potholes. 


Lisa Morzel
Member of Boulder City Council

"Politics is what we create by what we do, what we hope for, and what we dare to imagine."  Paul Wellstone 1944-2002

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