[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Ordinance No. 7962

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Jun 18 10:04:17 MDT 2014

Sender: Banuelos, Michael

Based on a question raised by councilman Shoemaker, please find information on bear-resistant containers that was included with the June 5
Heads Up! communication from there City Manager.  Have a good weekend.
Update on implementation of new waste storage requirements to protect bears
Ordinance No. 7962 requires all properties in the Secure Trash Regulation Zone to secure trash and compost at all times until it is collected by a waste hauler. This ordinance will help protect
 bears by making waste less accessible in the areas west of Broadway to the western city limits, south of Sumac Avenue to the southern city limits. The city manager’s Rule Establishing Requirements for Bear-Resistant Containers, Dumpsters & Enclosures became
 effective on May 20.
On June 4, staff mailed postcards announcing the new ordinance requirements to 9,392 residents, landowners and property managers in the First Trash Implementation Zone, which includes areas
 where waste is collected from alleys. Code Enforcement officers have begun educating community members about the new ordinance and are providing informational door hangers when they observe waste violations or make contact for waste-related issues in the First
 Trash Implementation Zone.
Local waste haulers, including Western Disposal, One-Way, Inc., and Allied/Republic Services are in the process of informing customers about the services they are offering to support the new
 ordinance. Western Disposal has developed, tested, and begun production of a bear-resistant retrofit for their existing waste carts, and has ordered bear-resistant metal lids for the dumpsters currently in use at many commercial and multifamily properties.
 An average of 50 retrofitted waste carts are being produced each day, primarily for residential use. On June 23, Western Disposal will begin delivering retrofitted carts to residential properties in the First Trash Implementation Zone, south of Hawthorn Avenue
 and north of Dartmouth Avenue.
Western Disposal is in the process of determining the costs associated with manufacturing and servicing the retrofitted waste carts. Customers will not see an increase in charges associated
 with bear-resistant carts until 2015, and costs associated with retrofitted carts and collection services are expected to be lower than initial estimates. Bear-resistant dumpsters are expected to cost commercial and multifamily customers an additional $15
 per month.
The subsidy for low-income families impacted by the increased costs of bear-resistant containers is on hold until 2015, when the increase in charges becomes effective. The majority of residential
 properties are expected to use the low-cost retrofitted carts, so a subsidy may not be necessary. 
The city will determine and announce the ordinance enforcement date for the First Trash Implementation Zone later this month, once local waste haulers better understand their timelines for
 producing bear-resistant containers for all residents and businesses. The enforcement date for the entire Secure Trash Regulation Zone will be determined at a later date. Staff is also coordinating the planned addition of meat and dairy to compost containers
 with the implementation of this ordinance.
Visit www.boulderwildlifeplan.net for information and updates about bears and waste in Boulder.

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