[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Proposal for emergency ordinance to address trash in alleyways

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Oct 14 14:15:51 MDT 2013

Sender: Jones, Suzanne

Dear Colleagues--

I am glad that we will be getting an update on the bear-trash situation at tomorrow's Council meeting, and look forward to figuring out next steps with city staff and all of you. I agree with the many constituents we have been hearing from that the current situation is untenable where bears are being killed because of their habituation to eating trash.

To that end, I will be suggesting at tomorrow's Council meeting that we direct staff to prepare an emergency ordinance to address trash in alleyways. Specifically, I would like us to prohibit the placing of unsecured trash containing food waste in alleys before 5:00 am the morning of trash pick-up--analogous to our current prohibition on trash being placed out on streets before the morning of trash pickup.  This prohibition should apply to both trash or compost containing food waste.  Food wastes contained within bear-proof containers or in secured wildlife-proof enclosures could be exempted.  

While this is only a partial solution, I believe it is a necessary step and one that we can and should take immediately to start addressing the cycle of bear habituation to eating trash--in addition to the stepped-up enforcement being proposed by staff for the next few weeks until bears go into hibernation. Clearly education alone is not sufficient, and it is time to take additional steps. 

Thank you,
Suzanne Jones

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