[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Snow shoveling enforcement

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Feb 22 16:09:12 MST 2013

Sender: Wilson, Ken

I am wondering if we will have snow shoveling enforcement tomorrow (Saturday).  We have a situation which I was concerned about when Matt made a motion to change the ordinance from a "morning after" requirement to a 24 hour requirement as we were doing second
 reading several years ago.  Because of the way this snow fell, enforcement won't begin today (Friday) as there were a few flakes falling late yesterday.  Will there be any enforcement over the weekend?  If not, then it would begin on Monday.  Of course, more
 snow is expected Monday, which would reset the clock on all the offenders.  We could have slippery sidewalks for a week.
I thought of this all the way to the bus stop this morning as I was trying not to slip and fall on all the uncleared sidewalks.  I don't heal like I used to and it was almost enough to make me want to turn around and drive instead.  Fortunately I didn't
 fall - yet.
My sidewalk is clean and dry - which the Camera can verify if they like.  We shoveled twice as it was coming down and used salt liberally.
Ken Wilson

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