[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: RE: LA Municipal Utility Struggles to meet renewable goals

kohls at bouldercolorado.gov kohls at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Dec 8 13:40:21 MST 2010

Sender: Gray, Crystal

Thanks for the interesting article.  I hope LA, a city of 4 million, is successful in meeting it's goals as it will have a huge impact!  
All California municipal utilities are required to file a Power Content report each year.  They are easy to find - just google a city with a municipal utility in California and add Power Content label and you can see the content of that city's power supply.
Palo Alto, a city of 57,000,  is a municipal utility and I have attached their Power Content report for 2009 as well as a link to their utility department.  It is full of interesting info.  link to the PA Utility web site is http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/forms/pagreen/index.html  Link to the Power Content final report for 2009 is http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=18177 

From: Wilson, Ken
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 1:15 PM
Subject: LA Municipal Utility Struggles to meet renewable goals

A recent article in the LA Times discusses the struggle LA's municipal utility is having  in trying to meet very aggressive renewable energy goals.  The LA municipal utility is by far the largest municipal power utility in the country.  The Mayor made a campaign promise of 40% renewables by 2020.  It appears that this number will be scaled down and several large project proposals have created turmoil within the city as to which direction it should go.  Rather than having me editorialize on the article, I suggest those interested take a minute and read about this intersting and complex situation.

Ken Wilson
Deputy Mayor

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