[BoulderCouncilHotline] Legislative Policy Agenda changes

Speer, Nicole SpeerN at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Nov 17 17:16:35 MST 2022

Hello colleagues,

I apologize that this is coming in last minute - the storm has created quite a hectic day in an otherwise full week! I wanted to raise two changes to the 2023 Legislative Policy Agenda before we meet tonight. I would like to propose two modifications to consider regarding Item 3J:

  1.  Removing 23b completely.
  2.  Changing #48 to specify supporting a single-payer universal healthcare system specifically.

In hindsight, I ought to have asked for a straw poll when we initially discussed these issues, but perhaps a vote tonight can address whether or not there is sufficient support on council for these changes.

Thank you,

Nicole Speer, Ph.D.
Boulder City Councilmember
Pronouns: she, her(s), ella

Phone: 303-519-9068

Web: bouldercolorado.gov/person/nicole-speer<https://bouldercolorado.gov/person/nicole-speer>
Twitter: @SpeerBldrCC<https://twitter.com/SpeerBldrCC>

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