[BoulderCouncilHotline] CU Annexation Agreement changes

Ward, Rewa WardR at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Sep 20 17:47:31 MDT 2021

Dear council members and hotline community,

Changes have been made to the Annexation Agreement after the September 14, 2021, council meeting based on council member feedback.  A sheet showing the new language is attached.  Changes have been made to the following paragraphs:

  *   Paragraph 14.a. - has been amended to add language regarding the IGA for the study of existing conditions in the state natural area;
  *   Paragraph 14.c. - the first sentence has been amended and moved to Paragraph 14.a.;
  *   Paragraph 20. - an intent statement has been added to explain the parties' commitment to development of 15-minute neighborhoods; and
  *   Paragraph 24.d. - clarification that access to use the roadways will be rule-based, not role-based.

Due to the revisions to the Annexation Agreement, Staff suggests action in the form of the following motion (note - motion language for the Resolution will not change):

  *   Motion to adopt Ordinance 8483 and approve amendments to the Annexation Agreement, in the form sent out on Hotline on September 20, 2021, captured on record and mutually agreed upon by both Boulder City Council and University of Colorado, annexing to the City of Boulder approximately 308.15 acres of land generally known as CU South located at 4886 and 5278 Table Mesa Drive, 0 Highway 36 (2 parcels), 718 Marshall Road, and 4745 W. Moorhead with an initial zoning classification of Public (P) as described in Chapter 9-5, "Modular Zone System," B.R.C. 1981; amending the Zoning District Map forming a part of said Chapter to include the property in the above-mentioned zoning district; and setting forth related details;


  *   Motion to adopt by emergency measure Ordinance 8483 and approve amendments to the Annexation Agreement, in the form sent out on Hotline on September 20, 2021, captured on record and mutually agreed upon by both Boulder City Council and University of Colorado, annexing to the City of Boulder approximately 308.15 acres of land generally known as CU South located at 4886 and 5278 Table Mesa Drive, 0 Highway 36 (2 parcels), 718 Marshall Road, and 4745 W. Moorhead with an initial zoning classification of Public (P) as described in Chapter 9-5, "Modular Zone System," B.R.C. 1981; amending the Zoning District Map forming a part of said Chapter to include the property in the above-mentioned zoning district; and setting forth related details

The highlighted portion above is suggested changes to the motion language as provided in the Agenda Memorandum on September 14, 2021.



Rewa Ward
Paralegal II
O: (303) 441-3020
D: (303) 441-1831
WardR at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:WardR at bouldercolorado.gov>

Boulder City Attorney's Office
1777 Broadway, 2nd Floor | Boulder, CO 80302

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