[BoulderCouncilHotline] Re: BCH CRC and Respite Tree

Firnhaber, Kurt FirnhaberK at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Mar 15 15:17:46 MDT 2021

Dear Roxanne,

You are correct that we do not have unlimited resources or hotels to serve individuals experiencing homeless.  We have 25 rooms that are available throughout the winter season for those who are most vulnerable to COVID.  For extreme weather nights, we have another 20 beds which are available.  However, with the various approaches working together of shelter at hotels, the CRC and Boulder Shelter for the Homeless of programs that include: Severe Weather Shelter, Navigation and Housing Focused Shelter, there has not been a capacity challenge.  I just looked at the numbers from this weekend of the various programs and there was also enough beds for all individuals.

As a result of not being able to shelter every individual who comes to Boulder we continually communicate to individuals, the capacity that exists and encourage them to work with the Diversion program for other solutions.

Thanks for your concern,


From: Roxanne Peterson <roxanne_peterson at yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2021 2:46 PM
To: HOTLINE <HOTLINE at bouldercolorado.gov>; Firnhaber, Kurt <FirnhaberK at bouldercolorado.gov>; Rachel Friend <rachelkfriend at gmail.com>; Mark Wallach <mfwallach at gmail.com>; Weaver, Sam <WeaverS at bouldercolorado.gov>
Subject: Re: [BoulderCouncilHotline] BCH CRC and Respite Tree

External Sender
So what happens when that threshold of 25-27 is met, and the needs of elderly, at risk, and medically vulnerable people exceed that very low threshold? You have never answered that to my knowledge.


On Monday, February 22, 2021, 08:01:59 AM MST, Firnhaber, Kurt <firnhaberk at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:firnhaberk at bouldercolorado.gov>> wrote:

Dear City Council,

At the council meeting last Tuesday, February 16th, a community member expressed concern for a specific individual that was experiencing homelessness with a condition of cancer who had recently received a blood transfusion for their condition.  They were concerned that there was not a service to assist such individuals.  They also included in a follow-up email to council, a recording of a phone conversation  with a Boulder Shelter staff member where they tried to receive a specific solution.  In this council meeting, when questioned about this, I indicated that there are systems in place for such individuals, which can include the Covid Recovery Center, the Boulder Shelter (BSH) or hotel rooms, depending on the situation.  I also mentioned that the CRC currently has many COVID positive clients and so it is not currently used for general respite.

I wanted to provide further information and follow-up.  Since Tuesday I have e-mailed the community member who brought forward the concern to request the name and contact information of this person with this medical condition so we could understand how best to assist this individual. I have not had a response.  Without a response, we then reached out to the staff at BTHERE, HOT, court navigators, BSH and Boulder Community Health.  None of these providers are aware of an individual that meets this description.  We have placed timely effort into finding such an individual.  If we do become aware of such an individual we will see what services would be most appropriate.

I also wanted to give you further system information.  We currently have between 20 and 25 individuals every night who stay in hotels as a result of their potential high risk to COVID.  These could be individuals who are elderly or who have serious medical conditions that would put them at higher risk of COVID, including those with cancer.  This does not mean though that an individual who shows up on day 1 at BSH immediately goes to a hotel room. I am attaching a flow chart that is used whenever a patient from Boulder Community Health is released from the hospital, particularly if there is a concern related to their medical condition and recovery and its relation to overnight shelter.  If this individual described above was released from BCH, this process would have occurred.  It is also worth noting that BSH also has a couple of respite beds.  During these COVID times, the CRC has been a great resource in addressing this community needs and while over the last three weeks it has not been used for this, there is a baseline approach in place.

In closing, any individuals who has higher needs should actually interface directly with services.  It also worth noting that while there are protocols in place and systems to address such high needs situations for respite care, it is a limited capacity.  Currently that capacity is about 25 to 27 individuals.

I hope the above information is helpful.


Kurt Firnhaber
Director of Housing and Human Services


O: # 303-441-4424
C: # 303-917-0914
FirnhaberK at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:FirnhaberK at bouldercolorado.gov>

Department of Housing & Human Services
1300 Canyon Blvd  Boulder, CO 80302


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