[BoulderCouncilHotline] Nod of 5 for Hill solutions

Friend, Rachel FriendR at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Mar 9 09:48:30 MST 2021

Dear Colleagues and Hotline readers,

Mark Wallach and I plan to ask for a Nod of 5 at our next meeting (3/16). We hope Council will authorize staff to research and propose ordinance and enforcement changes that will reduce the likelihood that conditions could set up again for the type of rioting on the Hill we saw last Saturday.

These changes could also have the benefit of improving day-to-day quality of life concerns for the entire Hill community, including students and long-term residents.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to either of us. In the interim, we will work with a group of representative Hill stakeholders from the Hill Revitalization Working Group to compile a “starting point” list of changes we think could help, and will get those ideas out as soon as we have them.

Rachel Friend and Mark Wallach
Boulder City Council Members
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