[BoulderCouncilHotline] 7-day forecast

Friend, Rachel FriendR at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Feb 11 12:43:48 MST 2021

Hello Hotline,

I am concerned that the overnight forecast is under 20 degrees for the next 7 days, including nights predicted at 1, -4, and -6.

I understand the rationale for capping severe weather shelter nights at 30 maximum, to encourage people to engage with Coordinated Entry and consistent with our housing first goals. Nonetheless, I am wondering if the City could scaffold an extreme cold SWS option on top of that — so that during cold snaps such at the one under way, people still have the option to come inside from potentially lethal cold (even if they’ve used SWS 30 times, as some sound to have done already).

Given that this situation is urgent  — the coming 4 days are single digits or subzero temps — I am using Hotline to lift up this question / possible solution for staff consideration, and wanted to loop in colleagues in case others are similarly concerned (understanding of course that we as council members cannot individually direct staff nor take group votes outside of meetings).

Rachel Friend (she/her)
Boulder City Council Member
friendr at bouldercolorado.gov

OFFICE HOURS: https://calendly.com/rachelfriend
RACHEL’S NEWSLETTER: https://mailchi.mp/e4d8f6fd362b/rachelfriendsubscribe

"The greatest dissents do become court opinions and gradually over time their views become the dominant view. So that's the dissenter's hope: that they are writing not for today, but for tomorrow."
~Ruth Bader Ginsburg
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