[BoulderCouncilHotline] Requested Updates to 12/14 City Council Meeting

Richardson, Emily RichardsonE at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Dec 14 16:17:22 MST 2021

Good afternoon Council Members and HOTLINE followers,

Please be advised that the following items are requested updates to tonight’s agenda discussed at this past Monday’s CAC meeting.


  *   Item 1A – Declaration Recognizing National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day to be read by Mayor Pro Tem Friend (please see attached)


  *   Item 2B – Resolution 1301 authorizing the purchase of 2691 30th St.

The motion to approve these additions will be part of tonight’s proceedings.


Emily Richardson
Deputy City Clerk
​(pronouns, She/Her/Hers)
O: 303-441-4297
richardsone at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:spencec at bouldercolorado.gov>

City Clerk’s Office
1777 Broadway | Boulder, CO 80302

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