[BoulderCouncilHotline] Motion regarding suspension of occupancy enforcement

Carr, Thomas CarrT at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Sep 8 08:53:52 MDT 2020

Council member Friend asked council to consider a motion suspending enforcement of occupancy provisions as requested by Governor Polis.   Staff has drafted the following motion for council's consideration at the September 15, 2020 council meeting:

Motion to request that the city manager until at least May 31, 2021,  allow households to exceed the city's occupancy limitations as set forth in section 9-8-5 of the Boulder Revised Code to allow dwelling units to safely house people during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Nothing in this request shall be deemed to create a non-conforming occupancy under subsection 9-8-5(c)(1),  or to affect enforcement of section 10-3-20 or any other provision of the Boulder Revised Code.

Tom Carr
Boulder City Attorney
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