[BoulderCouncilHotline] Encampments.
Friend, Rachel
FriendR at bouldercolorado.gov
Sat Aug 15 16:13:15 MDT 2020
Hello all,
I am writing to ask Council to vote to authorize an emergency, temporary, sanctioned campsite in Boulder. Given that we are actively clearing encampments this month, I think we should take this up on Tuesday.
The current situation is untenable (for essentially all involved — the individuals living in the encampments, other community members, and those tasked with enforcement). This is especially true during COVID.
I understand we do not as a policy re-look at issues that we have recently voted on. But I‘m not sure we actually voted on this recently, and in any event I was not aware of CDC guidance on encampments during the era of COVID when we discussed it. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/homeless-shelters/unsheltered-homelessness.html
Recognizing that we will need to coordinate with providers and work through funding priorities — I nonetheless believe that these unprecedented times call for increased flexibility and increased dedication to our most vulnerable community members.
Rachel Friend
Boulder City Council Member
friendr at bouldercolorado.gov
Mobile: 720-601-0163
Office: 303-441-3002
Boulder City Council
1777 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80302
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