[BoulderCouncilHotline] Police Oversight Task Force

Young, Mary YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri May 24 15:07:27 MDT 2019

Dear Colleagues and Community,

Per City Council direction, the city is forming an 11 to 13 member task force to analyze various models of community oversight boards for police departments in the United States, with the expectation that the task force will prepare recommendations to the City Council to establish such an oversight board and to recommend its responsibilities, functions, and processes by Sept. 30, 2019<x-apple-data-detectors://0>.

After the task force subcommittee realized that the 12 members selected for the task force by the subcommittee did not provide adequate representation of the Latinx community, council requested Aaron Brockett and Mary Young revisit the original applicant pool and decide who might fit this criteria. Aaron and Mary included the three NAACP members that were on the original task force subcommittee in the decision making.

After further consideration, the subcommittee would like to announce the addition of Michelle Denae as the final member of the task force. In addition to representing the Latinx community, Michelle’s experience as a leader of Families of Color Colorado brings valuable experience to the task force and her application also showed a strong interest in researching best practices of other citizen oversight task forces.

We look forward to Michelle’s contributions to the task force. We also thank all those who applied for their willingness to contribute to strengthening our community.

The task force’s first convening will be on Thursday, May 30th<x-apple-data-detectors://1> at the Open Space and Mountain Parks Hub, 2520 55th St.<x-apple-data-detectors://2>"

Thank you.

Aaron Brockett

Boulder City Council

(720) 984-1863<tel:(720)%20984-1863>

Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council
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