[BoulderCouncilHotline] Fwd: Temporary Welcome centers in Colorado for those seeking refuge

Young, Mary YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu May 23 16:47:09 MDT 2019

Hi Colleagues and Community,

I received the following clarification regarding asylum seekers.

Apologies for any confusion.


Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jennifer Piper <JPiper at afsc.org<mailto:JPiper at afsc.org>>
Date: May 23, 2019 at 12:47:46 AM MDT
To: "YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov>" <YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov>>, Jennifer Wilson <Jennifer.Wilson at rescue.org<mailto:Jennifer.Wilson at rescue.org>>
Cc: Victor Galvan <victor at coloradoimmigrant.org<mailto:victor at coloradoimmigrant.org>>, Nicole Melaku <nicole at coloradoimmigrant.org<mailto:nicole at coloradoimmigrant.org>>, Gladis Casas Ibarra <Gladis at coloradoimmigrant.org<mailto:Gladis at coloradoimmigrant.org>>
Subject: Temporary Welcome centers in Colorado for those seeking refuge

Dear all,

I want to clear up some confusion on my end and thank Nicole from CIRC for looping us together. To my knowledge there are currently no buses planned to stop in Boulder from the border yet. Please advise if any of you have direct knowledge of that happening so I can connect you with support folks here.

I have just finished up our debrief report from the bus we supported last week. It details what is needed and how pretty easy it was to support the individuals and families who need just 24-60 hours to contact sponsors and make travel arrangements.

While the report focusses heavily on faith communities, a site like the fire station in Boulder would also work very well.

Please let me know how I could support the Boulder community in being prepared to also host? There are already three congregations there who supported our Denver test case and who I think would be happy to be able to support in their own community.

Interfaith Organizing Director
American Friends Service Committee
303.623.3464 (main office)
(720) 439-4409 (direct line)
1420 N. Ogden St. Suite 201<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/NXa5ClYEW6iokJ2EsGXOmc?domain=maps.google.com> (offices on the second floor if you’re dropping by)
Denver, Colorado 80218
 Donate to the Colorado Immigrant Rights Program here<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/9rzhCo2XWJiX8NrYf6PSNG?domain=secure.everyaction.com> Your contribution will support organizing citizens in support of immigrant led justice.

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