[BoulderCouncilHotline] Fwd: RFSC oil gas motion as approved
Morzel, Lisa
MorzelL at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Jun 3 20:20:11 MDT 2019
As your representative on the Rocky Flats Stewardship Council, I wanted to inform you the Stewardship Council passed a minor modification to the resolution offered by Town of Superior that the Boulder City Council passed unanimously regarding fracking on or under Rocky Flats (which includes the central operable unit retained by DOE and the refuge (managed by USFWS). At the Stewardship Council this morning, this amended resolution passed 12-0, with Jefferson County abstaining. Please read message below that includes the motion that was passed.
Lisa Morzel
Member, Boulder City Council
303-815-6723 c
303-938-8520 h
How far we humans as stewards of the Earth have fallen.
Begin forwarded message:
From: David Abelson <dabelson at rockyflatssc.org<mailto:dabelson at rockyflatssc.org>>
Date: June 3, 2019 at 1:45:19 PM MDT
To: Barbara Vander Wall <bvanderwall at svwpc.com<mailto:bvanderwall at svwpc.com>>, Carl Castillo <CastilloC at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:CastilloC at bouldercolorado.gov>>, "Dan Hartman (dhartman at cityofgolden.net<mailto:dhartman at cityofgolden.net>)" <dhartman at cityofgolden.net<mailto:dhartman at cityofgolden.net>>, David Abelson <dabelson at rockyflatssc.org<mailto:dabelson at rockyflatssc.org>>, "David Allen" <DAllen at broomfield.org<mailto:DAllen at broomfield.org>>, "David DeMott (ddemott at cityofwestminster.us<mailto:ddemott at cityofwestminster.us>)" <ddemott at cityofwestminster.us<mailto:ddemott at cityofwestminster.us>>, Emily Hunt <Emily.Hunt at cityofthornton.net<mailto:Emily.Hunt at cityofthornton.net>>, James Boswell <james.boswell at cityofthornton.net<mailto:james.boswell at cityofthornton.net>>, "Jan Kulmann (jan.kulmann at cityofthornton.net<mailto:jan.kulmann at cityofthornton.net>)" <jan.kulmann at cityofthornton.net<mailto:jan.kulmann at cityofthornton.net>>, "Jeannette Hillery" <jmhillery915 at comcast.net<mailto:jmhillery915 at comcast.net>>, "Jennifer Bohn (jenniferbohn9 at gmail.com<mailto:jenniferbohn9 at gmail.com>)" <jenniferbohn9 at gmail.com<mailto:jenniferbohn9 at gmail.com>>, "Jim Dale (jdale at cityofgolden.net<mailto:jdale at cityofgolden.net>)" <jdale at cityofgolden.net<mailto:jdale at cityofgolden.net>>, "Joyce Downing (jdowning at northglenn.org<mailto:jdowning at northglenn.org>)" <jdowning at northglenn.org<mailto:jdowning at northglenn.org>>, Kathleen Bacheller <pkbach at comcast.net<mailto:pkbach at comcast.net>>, "Kathryn Skulley (kskulley at cityofwestminster.us<mailto:kskulley at cityofwestminster.us>)" <kskulley at cityofwestminster.us<mailto:kskulley at cityofwestminster.us>>, "Ken Freiberg (freibergkj at gmail.com<mailto:freibergkj at gmail.com>)" <freibergkj at gmail.com<mailto:freibergkj at gmail.com>>, "Ken Lish (kenl at superiorcolorado.gov<mailto:kenl at superiorcolorado.gov>)" <kenl at superiorcolorado.gov<mailto:kenl at superiorcolorado.gov>>, Kim Griffiths <kagriff.kg at gmail.com<mailto:kagriff.kg at gmail.com>>, Kim Groom <kgroom at broomfieldcitycouncil.org<mailto:kgroom at broomfieldcitycouncil.org>>, "Libby Szabo" <lszabo at jeffco.us<mailto:lszabo at jeffco.us>>, Linda Proter <ljporter at q.com<mailto:ljporter at q.com>>, Lindie Aragon <laragon at CityofWestminster.us<mailto:laragon at CityofWestminster.us>>, Lisa Morzel <lisamorzel at gmail.com<mailto:lisamorzel at gmail.com>>, "Mark Lacis (markl at superiorcolorado.gov<mailto:markl at superiorcolorado.gov>)" <markl at superiorcolorado.gov<mailto:markl at superiorcolorado.gov>>, "Mark McGoff (mmcgoff at arvada.org<mailto:mmcgoff at arvada.org>)" <mmcgoff at arvada.org<mailto:mmcgoff at arvada.org>>, "Matt Jones (mjones at bouldercounty.org<mailto:mjones at bouldercounty.org>)" <mjones at bouldercounty.org<mailto:mjones at bouldercounty.org>>, Melissa Weakley <mweakley at rockyflatssc.org<mailto:mweakley at rockyflatssc.org>>, "Mike Shelton (mshelton at broomfieldcitycouncil.org<mailto:mshelton at broomfieldcitycouncil.org>)" <mshelton at broomfieldcitycouncil.org<mailto:mshelton at broomfieldcitycouncil.org>>, Murph Widdowfield <murphwid at gmail.com<mailto:murphwid at gmail.com>>, Pat OConnell <poconnel at co.jefferson.co.us<mailto:poconnel at co.jefferson.co.us>>, Roman Kohler <RFKohler at yahoo.com<mailto:RFKohler at yahoo.com>>, Sam Weaver <WeaverS at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:WeaverS at bouldercolorado.gov>>, Sandra McDonald <smcdonald at arvada.org<mailto:smcdonald at arvada.org>>, Shelley Stanley <Sstanley at northglenn.org<mailto:Sstanley at northglenn.org>>, Sophie Porcelli <sporcelli at northglenn.org<mailto:sporcelli at northglenn.org>>, Summer Laws <slaws at bouldercounty.org<mailto:slaws at bouldercounty.org>>
Subject: RFSC oil gas motion as approved
Hello Stewardship Council,
Attached is the approved oil and gas motion. I will get it signed next week and will send you signed copies at that time. As a reminder, the final vote was 12 (yes), 0 (no), 1 (abstain), with Golden not being present for the vote.
Please let me know what questions you have.
David M. Abelson
Executive Director
Rocky Flats Stewardship Council
P.O. Box 17670
Boulder, CO 80308
(303) 412-1200
dabelson at rockyflatssc.org<mailto:dabelson at rockyflatssc.org>
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