[BoulderCouncilHotline] Bob's Retreat Homework/2019 Work Plan

Yates, Bob YatesB at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Jan 3 10:41:44 MST 2019

Council Colleagues & Jane:

I echo the compliments and praise already offered by Suzanne and Mary for the excellent 2018 re-cap and the helpful materials prepared by city staff for our 2019 retreat on January 18. While we did not agree on every issue in 2018, I believe that council made significant achievements last year for the benefit for our community. When we did disagree, I believe that we did so constructively and civilly. I look forward to another year of collaboration, cooperation, and collegiality.

In preparation for our January 18 retreat, here are my thoughts on our 2019 priorities:

Homework Item #1: Ordering and combining of 14 priorities established at January 2018 retreat for 2018-19

A. High priority items requiring significant council time that we should endeavor to complete in 2019:

1  Use tables, site review criteria, and community benefit (combination of several items, with timing driven, in part, by opportunity zone and height moratoriums)

2  North Central Boulder sub community and Alpine-Balsam plan (timing driven by turnover of property in June 2019)

3  Shared equity middle income housing program (more or less ready to go)

B. High priority items requiring significant council time that we should endeavor to at least start in 2019, even if work will continue into 2020:

4  Manufactured housing strategy (while important, unclear what next steps will be)

5  Large lots

C. On-going items being worked on by city staff or boards and commissions, likely not to require significant council time:

6  Climate commitment

7  Broadband

8   Open Space Master Plan

9  Transportation Master Plan

10  Vision Zero

11  Boulder electric utility

D. Items completed in 2018

Commercial linkage fees

Housing Advisory Board

E. Other items not contemplated at January 2018 retreat, but which will take some council and staff time in 2019:

Update of homelessness strategy

Hill commercial district revitalization

Diagonal Plaza revitalization

CU South annexation

Long's Garden preservation

Homework Item #2: Process improvements

A. More Effective and Fewer Study Sessions: While I find that some of our study sessions are helpful ways for city staff to educate council and the community and to receive council direction, I believe that not all of them have been good uses of time. Some of our study sessions are primarily one-way communication of information from staff that could be more effectively delivered to council and the community in writing, through Information Packets, the city manager's Head's Up memos, or in other ways. If we limit our study sessions to those topics which truly require time-sensitive direction from council on significant matters, we can use the freed-up time for more effective study sessions, for more legislative sessions, or for non-meeting Tuesdays.

B. CAC Memos: I believe that the Council Agenda Committee (CAC) memos of scheduling items that are distributed on Fridays to the three council members serving on CAC should be sent to all nine council members on that day. That way, if there is a scheduling item of interest to a council member not serving on CAC, he or she can weigh in with CAC before the Monday morning CAC meeting. I can't think of any downside to this improved communication.

Homework Item #3: Liaison & appointments

In 2019, I would be honored to continue to represent council on the following boards and committees:

Boulder Housing Partners
Convention & Vistors Bureau
Downtown Boulder Business Improvement District
Boulder Urban Renewal Authority
National League of Cities, Information Technology & Communications Committee
Audit Committee
Retreat Committee
Liaison to Dushanbe and Ramat HaNegev sister cities

I look forward to rolling up our sleeves and, together, accomplishing great things for our community in 2019.


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