[BoulderCouncilHotline] Comments on 2/26/2019 Study Session Agenda

Young, Mary YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Feb 26 09:29:06 MST 2019

Dear Colleagues and Community,

Legislative Update
Two bills not mentioned in legislative update email for which Boulder will provide support: HB1106 on rental application fees & the bill mentioned in Resolution 1254 on local wage option. Would appreciate an update on both.

Thank you housing (and human services) staff. This is the second week in a row that you all present major work items. Your hard work is appreciated.

Manufactured Housing Strategy
Feedback on information collected and issues identified:
-Support the Initiative to better understand the demographics of MHP residents, but caution should be taken as some residents may feel uncomfortable sharing information.

-Would like to better understand the five factors utilized by park owners in establishing rent increases given that rent increases exceed inflation by almost two points. For example, increases in operating costs do not align with the on-the-ground experience of residents, case in point, the recent issue at Orchard Grove and at least one instance of infrastructure failure at another park (residents discouraged from informing council).

Feedback on proposed decision-making principles, analysis and prioritization:
-The three principles seem to be the right ones given stakeholder input so far. One additional principle to consider would be to build on the inherent resilience of these communities. Also, as suggested by residents, consider including accountability.

-Move ahead with the 5 approaches as well as the staff recommended items for investigation.

-With respect to on-site human services, consider a mobile approach set to a reliably frequent schedule in partnership with the county and/or other municipalities.

-As priorities are established, it should be taken into consideration that this is about reciprocity and equity. Residents at the various parks pay into water and sewer utilities via their pad rent, yet they do not receive any of the benefits that the rest of the Boulder community sees.

-Whatever the method used to establish priorities, it should center the needs of residents placing life safety, health and well being at the top.

-Avoid unintended consequences of gentrification and displacement.

-Any approach taken should include corresponding enforcement mechanism.

Public engagement plan:
-Recognize that, while not as prevalent as Spanish, there are other languages spoken.

-In developing the Master Plan, OSMP has partnered with community groups on “micro-engagements” to reach under represented groups. Perhaps a similar approach could be used on this project?

Thanks you Human Relations Commission for all your work on the following issues.

Vote 16 and Non-Citizen Voting
-My support for a citizen led ballot initiative is based on observations (and personal experience) that they build community, promote movement building, enhance critical thinking, create connections, solidarity and accountability. The process also cultivates leadership and power (and power is not zero sum). In short, democracy is practiced.

For all of these reasons, I do not support a Council led initiative on either of these proposals.

I attended one meeting of a committee organizing an initiative on non-citizen voting. As I understand it, they are still planning a citizen led initiative.

Hate Crimes Sentencing Enhancements
-Move forward on all staff outlined changes and additional policy recommendations in the memo.

-I especially support the general policy approach for restorative justice. Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative refers to this as “proximity” — “Get close to the things that matter, get close to the places where there is inequality and suffering, get close to the places where people feel oppressed, burdened and abused. See what it does to your capacity to make a difference, see what it does to you.”

-The challenge to these updates will be outreach, encouragement and a trusting manner in which people can come forward.

As we read in one of the emails on this matter: “People that get targeted by these hate crimes would often rather stay silent than be dragged through the inefficient process of justice, only to have the value of their lives and the lives of those they love, be ridiculed.”

A few years ago, the DA’s office undertook an ambitious effort in pursuit of prosecuting wage theft and workplace abuse cases that could be a model. I ask Council to consider ways in which to cultivate a welcoming way for people to come forward, perhaps by way of the HRC in asking for their guidance on creation of such a process.

Gender Inclusive Language
-Move forward on all proposed ordinance changes. In reading the memo, it was interesting to take in the out-of-date language and the need for updating it.

Thank you.

Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council

“We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.
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