[BoulderCouncilHotline] Re: Questions about Design and Construction Standards

Cowern, Bill CowernB at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Dec 17 13:48:08 MST 2019

Councilperson Brockett,
Staff has prepared the following information in response to your hotline request regarding the update to the City's Design and Construction Standards (DCS), on second reading at this evening's Council meeting.

  1.  The DCS update process was initiated through a collaborative process with staff and members of Community Cycles Advocacy Committee to identify areas of the DCS that should be modified to reflect the goals of our Transportation Master Plan (TMP).  The proposed Phase I changes represent the areas of the DCS which staff agreed should be modified and which did not require the additional time necessary to further evaluate or research.   The proposed modifications are consistent with the Low-Stress Walk and Bike Network Plan which was adopted with the 2019 TMP in September.  There are additional standards under consideration related to street and intersection design, pedestrian facilities design and traffic studies, which will require more research and evaluation to determine appropriate modifications.  Staff has assured TAB that these additional items will be considered as part of Phase II.  We are preparing staff and financial resources to begin Phase II in the 3rd Quarter of 2020.
  2.  Yes, the Phase II DCS update project will include consideration of changing the minimum residential sidewalk widths.  It will include a review of all minimum sidewalk widths as they pertain to advancing our TMP goals.
  3.  Alternative street designs are subject to the "Director" review in Section 1.05 under DCS Variances.  The community and its leadership should expect that the Director will consider TMP goals in determining whether to approve alternative street designs.  The areas mentioned by Planning Board include some of these TMP goals.  It is not necessary to identify in the Boulder Revised Code specific TMP goals that should be considered, nor does staff think that it is appropriate to identify a sub-set of TMP goals and write them into an ordinance.  In addition, staff believes there is already language in the existing requirements which require consideration of the areas Planning Board highlighted.  Consequently, staff does not recommend these specific modifications proposed by Planning Board at this time.  Should Council want this matter to be further considered, then staff recommends that it be addressed as part of Phase II.  Making additional changes to Section 2.09 (C)(2)(a) as proposed by the Planning Board as part of the Phase I work would require a 3rd reading in January 2020.
  4.  The Planning Board recommended to City Council to consider the "Twenty is Plenty" movement and to reduce the speed limit within the city limits from 25 mph to 20 mph.  Within the City's Vision Zero Action Plan, staff has identified the need to "Continue implementation of the Neighborhood Speed Management Program (NSMP) including a potential reduction of vehicle speeds to 20 mph".  Staff is developing a work program to evaluate neighborhood speed reduction and the effect that a reduced speed limit will have on that goal.  Staff will perform the needed evaluation, research and community engagement in order for City Council to make an informed decision regarding residential speed limits and its role in reducing speeds to 20 mph.  This work effort will begin in the 1st quarter of 2020 and staff anticipates providing Council with recommendations in 2nd quarter 2020.

We hope that this information is helpful.  Should you have any additional questions prior to the Council meeting this evening please feel free to contact me directly.

Bill Cowern
Principal Traffic Engineer / Interim Director of the Transportation Division
[cid:image001.png at 01D5B4E0.3FAC2D20]
Office: 303-441-3266
CowernB at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:CowernB at bouldercolorado.gov>
Transportation Division of Public Works
1101 Arapahoe Avenue | Boulder, CO 80302

From: Brockett, Aaron <BrockettA at bouldercolorado.gov>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2019 5:11 PM
To: HOTLINE <HOTLINE at bouldercolorado.gov>
Subject: [BoulderCouncilHotline] Questions about Design and Construction Standards

Transportation and Planning Staff, I have a few quick questions ahead of our hearing on changes to the Design and Construction Standards Tuesday night, specifically regarding the Transportation Advisory Board and Planning Board's recommendations.

  1.  TAB expressed strong interest in doing a deeper dive into the some of the standards in the future to make them more consistent with our recently adopted Transportation Master Plan, specifically around bike and pedestrian safety. Would this be covered in the second phase of the Design and Constructions Standards revision? What is the timing for that phase?
  2.  Planning Board recommended changing the minimum sidewalk width from 4' to 5' in residential zones. Would this be covered in that phase 2 process as well?
  3.  Planning Board recommended adding consideration of "pedestrian safety, utility, multimodal use and walkability" when considering alternate street designs. That seems like a fairly straightforward change, could we include it in the ordinance we pass Tuesday night?
  4.  Finally, Planning Board recommended considering changing residential speed limits to 20mph. I believe that's already on our 2020 work plan, can you confirm please?

Aaron Brockett

Council Member, City of Boulder

brocketta at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:brocketta at bouldercolorado.gov>

(720) 984-1863
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