[BoulderCouncilHotline] Alpine Balsam

Carlisle, Cynthia CarlisleC at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Aug 27 17:08:48 MDT 2019

I'm unable to attend tonight's meeting. Regarding Alpine-Balsam, I stand with those community members who ask us to pause, listen, and engage in a meaningful public process for the outcome of the area. I'd like to see a full-on public engagement process given to the area/area plan such as was done in North Boulder. Get all interested parties to the table. Why have we not heard from area businesses? What do they think?
In just these few short months, groups like Think Boulder have created great citywide interest and it seems now is the time to listen to all the voices from them, Save Boulder, and others who have different/similar views.  Alpine-Balsam deserves Public Participation Working Group process particularly because this redevelopment is happening in an established neighborhood, not like North Boulder a couple decades back which was largely undeveloped. Pause Listen Engage Fully and formulate a thoughtful, fiscally responsible plan moving forward.
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