[BoulderCouncilHotline] Re: Hogan Pancost

Arthur, Jeff ArthurJ at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Oct 9 10:46:48 MDT 2018

Dear Council Members,

A map showing the estimated 2013 flood extents along with wetlands delineations is included as an attachment.

Please note that the two sets of information are from different sources and have different levels of accuracy and regulatory standing.

  *   The 2013 flood extents map is an illustration compiled from a variety of sources including observations by residents during the flood and analysis of available data and high water marks by staff and consultants after the flood.  It does not supersede or amend the regulatory maps of the inundation expected during a FEMA approved design storm.

  *   The jurisdictional wetlands shown in green were delineated in accordance with Army Corps of Engineers’ standards and are subject to both federal 404 permitting and the city’s wetland ordinance.  The non-jurisdictional wetlands shown in red would only be subject to the city’s wetland protection ordinance.

I would be happy to answer any related questions during the study session tonight.



Jeff Arthur
Director of Public Works for Utilities
arthurj at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:arthurj at bouldercolorado.gov>

1739 Broadway
P.O. Box 791
Boulder, CO 80306-0791

From: Young, Mary <YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov>
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2018 2:20 PM
To: HOTLINE <HOTLINE at bouldercolorado.gov>
Subject: [BoulderCouncilHotline] Hogan Pancost

Dear Staff,

In advance of tomorrow night’s study session on Hogan Pancost, would it be possible to obtain one map showing the 2013 flood extents together with jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional wetlands, please?

Thank you.

Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council

“We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.
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