[BoulderCouncilHotline] Visit to Whittier 3rd grade
Morzel, Lisa
MorzelL at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Oct 5 08:31:53 MDT 2018
Dear Council and others
Jill Grano and I visited the Whittier Elementary 3rd grade class in civic government last Monday- what an incredible experience and what incredible interest, opinions, and advice these three classes of third graders have for their Boulder City Council. These young contributors to our community discussion on government have much advice and wisdom. And thanks to their outstanding teachers, Frannie Parkinson, Lisa O’Brien, and Others for asking for their students’ opinions and involvement to democracy.
The children created and presented their well-structured arguments for change in posters as well as oral presentations. How fortunate we are to have these young individuals in our community that are articulate, can present successfully their case, and pushing for change. More importantly they want to be involved and see that as a responsibility.
Below are some of the children’s observations, advice, and requests. Please consider seriously the comments of these future stewards of our community. Maybe we can discuss at mini-retreat in January.
Idling cars should be banned. Bad for the air and environment.
Puppy mills should be outlawed in Boulder. These are cruel an inhumane.
Smoking ban needs to be throughout city. Smoking kills and pollutes.
Stop Bully’s. Bullying is mean and terrible
Install more No smoking signs at all parks. Unhealthy for children and others playing at park.
Smoking and having to breathe 2nd hand smoke is unhealthy.
Stop Littering. Make it illegal. Discourage littering.
Install more trash cans everywhere to stop littering
No weeds. Bad for environment.
Boulder needs more houses. My family couldn’t find a home here and we had to move to Westminster.
There should be fire safety classes at Vista Village. A home caught fire and we don’t want that to happen again.
There should be more water fountains in Boulder. Especially on Pearl Street.
There should be water fountains for dogs in Boulder. Dogs get thirsty too.
There should be no more hotels, especially like the ones on Canyon.
The bathrooms at Whittier should be nicer.
There should be a stop sign at 4th and Dewey. There are too many cars there and it is hard to cross when walking to school.
Plastic bags should be banned, not just a fee. People just pay the fee.
Cities should be smaller because maybe there would be less pollution if they were.
There should be more animal shelters for the cats and dogs.
There should be more planters all around with flowers that bees like so we can have more bees.
Jared Polis. Do we know him??
Are we grumpy when we go home after council?
Implement Stricter rules on smoking
Ice cream trucks should be in more neighborhoods
Implement stronger Wildlife protection laws. Protect all wildlife!!
Boulder should become a Rocket city. Space is our future!
Ban sale of fur in Boulder! Cruel and unnecessary practice. Should not happen.
Increase bag fee from $0.10 to $1/bag. Invent more shoppers to bring their own bag.
Install More trash cans to reduce litter
Place contribution boxes for homeless throughout city so they would have more money for food
Provide More Homeless shelters
Need More play structures on playgrounds
More trees are needed in city
Cats need love
Lisa and Jill
Lisa Morzel
Member, Boulder City Council
303-815-6723 c
303-938-8520 h
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