[BoulderCouncilHotline] ADU ordinance on consent agenda tonight

Morzel, Lisa MorzelL at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Nov 8 09:41:10 MST 2018

In reviewing the ADU ordinance in our packet for tonight’s meeting (consent agenda 3K), I see no language regarding measurement of interior space being allowed.  I raised this and 2 other issues (referred to below) as issues during the second reading I and other council members wanted included in this ordinance to allow encouragement for using sustainable construction materials (adobe, straw bale, other thick energy efficient construction materials). How are thick walls and measuring interior area rather than exterior area presented and allowed in this ordinance?  I would like to have this provision specifically included in this ordinance.

Secondly, on p 130, line 11, item c, regarding architectural design and materials, it states that “architectural design and materials shall be consistent with the existing residence on the site or the adjacent building(s) along the side yards up the lot.”

Again this provision would seem to discourage the use of adobe,  straw bale, or other energy efficient materials in constructing a detached ADU since most homes who may want to construct a detached ADU have an existing standard built single family house. I don’t mind trying to respect the current architectural but requiring the detached ADU to be built with similar materials seems outdated and not the direction the city should go, with respect to energy efficiency and addressing climate change. 

I would like to see the language modified and provide a suggestion:

“Architectural design shall be consistent with the existing residence on the site or the adjacent building(s) along the side yards up the lot.  Energy efficient construction materials are encouraged to be used.”

Finally, one last provision on p. 132, under 9-8-5 (occupancy of dwelling units), paragraph b, line 14, states “ The occupancy of an attached accessory dwelling unit, detached accessory dwelling unit, or limited accessory dwelling unit miss meet the requirement of subsection 9-6-3 (a), BRC 1981.” 

If one reads subsection 9-6-3 (a), BRC 1981, this limits the occupancy to no more than two persons. Council discussed this at length, and said we wanted to be more flexible so that a small family, single parent with multiple small children could legally occupy that unit. Where is this addressed in the current ordinance?

I just noticed these parts in the ordinance and apologize for the last minute notice. I’d like to have these provisions included in the final ordinance which may require this to go to a sixth reading. 

Thank you. 


Lisa Morzel
Member, Boulder City Council
303-815-6723 c
303-938-8520 h

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