[BoulderCouncilHotline] Request to postpone June 5 agenda item 5A - 2nd reading of amendments to the Human Rights Ordinance
Weideman, Mary Ann
WeidemanM at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Jun 5 12:08:51 MDT 2018
Dear City Council,
Staff requests postponing agenda item 5A from tonight's agenda: Second reading and consideration of a motion to adopt Ordinance 8249 amending Chapter 12-1, "Prohibition of Discrimination in Housing, Employment, and Public Accommodations," B.R.C. 1981, to protect against discrimination based on source of income or immigration status and setting forth related details.
Staff feels that additional public engagement is needed on this item, based on the numerous inquiries and communications from rental property owners and managers with concerns related to potential impacts of changes to the ordinance, particularly related to Section 8 vouchers.
While the Human Relations Commission held a public hearing on the proposed ordinance changes at its April 16, 2018 meeting and the item was on the council consent agenda May 1, staff requests postponing this agenda item to late summer, in order to have a more thorough dialogue and discussion of concerns with the community. Additional information on next steps and engagement opportunities will be posted at https://bouldercolorado.gov/human-services.
For questions or further information please contact Karen Rahn, Human Services Director at rahnk at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:rahnk at bouldercolorado.gov>.
Mary Ann Weideman
Deputy City Manager
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