[BoulderCouncilHotline] Council Meeting January 4

Yates, Bob YatesB at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Jan 4 13:33:38 MST 2018

Council Colleagues:

I regret that I am trapped on the East Coast due to weather and that I won't be able to join you at the council meeting this evening. The following are votes I would have made and comments I would have offered, were I able to attend the meeting:

- I would approve the Consent Agenda

- I would not call up the site review of the Violet Ave/Upland Ave project

- I would approve the landmarking of the properties on Pine, Spruce, and 14th streets

- I would approve the land use code amendment respecting the shelter on 30th Street

- I am generally fine with city staff's description of Planning and Housing work plans, in preparation for our retreat later this month

- I would recuse myself from any discussion or vote respecting the potential climate change litigation, for reasons previously stated

I wish you a productive and efficient meeting tonight.



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