[BoulderCouncilHotline] Fw: Property Taxes
Young, Mary
YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Feb 12 12:01:01 MST 2018
Hello Hotline Followers,
As a result of property tax notifications that were received by the community last week, many on council are receiving email asking what the city can do to reduce property taxes. I wrote the following in response to a constituent and thought that it might be helpful to post on the Hotline.
Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council
"All ethics . . . rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts . . ." - Aldo Leopold
From: Young, Mary
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 11:51 AM
As part of the 2017 budget process and in response to requests and community concern surrounding rising property taxes, Council requested that staff analyze what amount of rebate would result from a mil levy reduction. The following is an excerpt from the October 17, 2017 Budget Memo:
"Property tax is a main source of revenue for the city and comprises 25 percent of total
revenue in the General Fund. For 2018, property tax is estimated to be $46.5 million
citywide, an increase of 18 percent, or $6.7 million ($5.6 million goes to the General
Fund). For an average residential property valued at $500,000 the portion of city property
tax increase is $40/year (the city portion of the total property tax bill comprises roughly
14 percent).
If Council were to provide a temporary credit to the mill and decrease the total mills by 1,
the net effect on the General Fund alone, would be a decrease of $3.7 million and save
that same residential property owner $43/year. Similarly, if the mill were to reduce by
half a mill, the General Fund would have to cut $1.85 million and save a residential home
owner $21.50/year."
As you can see, the individual monetary impact resulting from a reduction in the city mil levy would be minimal.
Property tax calculation in Colorado is complex. The following video is well worth your 6.5 minutes to watch:
When Gallagher and TABOR meet: A toxic mixture - YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26XNSVyKubU&feature=youtu.be>
This video explains how the collision of the Gallagher and TABOR amendments in Colorado has been not only cutting funding for K-12 schools, but also for ...
There are a couple of actions that can be taken to help mitigate the impact of the increases in property tax if you qualify:
1. Food Tax Rebate: http://user.govoutreach.com/boulder/faq.php?cmd=shell&goparms=cid%3D23816
2. Colorado Senior Tax Exemption: https://www.bouldercounty.org/property-and-land/assessor/senior-exemption/
The food tax rebate provides an average savings of $90 (roughly equivalent to a 2 mil levy reduction) per year and the senior rebate $600.
Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council
"All ethics . . . rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts . . ." - Aldo Leopold
From: fallerj at jila.colorado.edu <fallerj at jila.colorado.edu>
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2018 3:34:57 PM
To: Yates, Bob
Cc: Council
Subject: Re: Boulder Bulletin
Yes property assessments have risen dramatically BUT the 'response'
to the artificiality of this is simply for the powers who would be to
LOWER the mil rates. A number of Camera letter writers have
suggested this...as I have also. But on this point, you and the
others on the Council continue to remain silent; and as you probably
remember (early English law), 'silence gives consent!' Accordingly,
those of us who worry about survival in the town we've been living
and contributing to for(in my case) some 50 years wonder why you and
the other council members don't speak out on this point. Or do you
all believe this 'flushing of the old and welcoming of the 'new' is
somehow the latest in proper social engineering...or have you all
simply sold our to the ever more growth and the developer crowd?
Jim Faller
> February 2018 ISSUE
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> Published on the first Monday of each month by Bob Yates, Boulder City
> A few changes...
> In the year and a half since the Boulder Bulletin was launched, the
> of subscribers has grown from about 500 to nearly 2,000. Along the way,
many of you have commented on Bulletin articles, reacted to city council
votes, and increased your community engagement. That was my hope. To
> the publication fresh, you'll notice a few changes this month: I've
re-positioned my opinion piece and the monthly community organization
profile, and I've dropped a few sections that were less important. I'll
continue to explain my city council votes, and I will publish council's
calendar so you know what we're working on. Thanks for reading, and for
being engaged in our community.
> Let success breed success
> By Bob Yates
> Matt Benjamin, who made a valiant run for a city council seat last fall,
has observed that Boulder doesn’t really have a housing crisis, it has
> land affordability crisis. Those of us who received our annual property
tax invoices from the county last week need look no farther than the
valuation assessments in the upper right corner of the statement to see
that the dirt upon which our houses sit is worth nearly as much as the
houses themselves, sometimes even more. Of course, our community has
> decisions over the last few decades to divert much of the available dirt
to purposes other than housing, so we shouldn’t be entirely surprised
when the inescapable law of supply and demand causes land values to
> But, in 2004, in what appears in retrospect to have been a pretty smart
decision, the City of Boulder bought the Pollard Motors site at 30^th &
Pearl for $9.5 million, about half of which came from non-city funding
sources. After dedicating a portion of the land for the development of
Depot Square with RTD, the remaining land was leased back to Pollard
Motors for more than a decade. Pollard has vacated the space and the
> is now embarked on a plan to create more than 300 new housing units on
> site, nearly two-thirds of them permanently affordable to low and middle
income families. The land is now worth far more than what the city paid
for it. But, by effectively “land banking� the parcel for 14 years,
the city is now able to contribute the real estate towards affordable
housing at an original cost to the city of about...Read more ☞
> Taking care of a healthy town
> Boulder boasts many superlatives: We have been ranked as America’s
happiest city, its brainiest city, and its foodiest city. Another list
Boulder frequently tops is America’s healthiest city. Our obesity rate
is among the lowest in the nation, hardly anyone smokes cigarettes,
> live longer than the national average, and it seems that everyone here
exercises or recreates.
> Vigorously.
> Boulder Community Health, formerly known as Boulder Community Hospital,
> determined to make our community even healthier. But, in a town as
> and fit as Boulder, how do you improve on health outcomes? I recently
> down with BCH’s President & Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Robert
> and the President of the BCH Foundation, Grant Besser, to find out how.
Boulder Community Hospital was established in 1920 at Alpine and
> Relocating the hospital and ambulatory services to a new campus at
Foothills and Arapahoe over the last decade and a half, it is now one of
only two non-profit independent health systems in the State of Colorado.
Read more ☞
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Recent Votes & Positions:
> Housing: At the January 9 study session, I asked the city staff to focus
on housing as they plan uses for the former Boulder Community Hospital
site at Alpine & Broadway. What was I thinking ☞
> (https://bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eaad53fe6e110e588b2338560&id=4101626fa0&e=4caf954588<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/aRBYCjR6WJHBJD1tvV7ND?domain=bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com>)
Broadband: At the January 9 study session, I asked the city staff to
> at all options to accelerate the implementation of a city-wide broadband
internet network. What was I thinking ☞
> (https://bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eaad53fe6e110e588b2338560&id=f46e5fbff0&e=4caf954588<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/9WvECkRXWMHK0A3cqa1RO?domain=bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com>)
Hogan-Pancost: At the January 16 meeting, I joined a unanimous council
> authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the purchase of the
> Hogan-Pancost property. What was I thinking ☞
> (https://bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eaad53fe6e110e588b2338560&id=758829480e&e=4caf954588<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/GUwJClYEW6iVKmqtxkqqz?domain=bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com>)
Homelessness: At the January 23 study session, I supported changes in
> Management Plan for the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless. What was I
thinking ☞
> (https://bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eaad53fe6e110e588b2338560&id=c851552bbe&e=4caf954588<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/KePTCmZNWXigY8LujISwM?domain=bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com>)
** In the News:
> January 10: Boulder City Council may not have appetite for broadband
ballot measure
> (https://bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eaad53fe6e110e588b2338560&id=bf552cde19&e=4caf954588<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/1JKHCn56WJFPLgphDzBnj?domain=bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com>)
January 11: Boulder may work with county to form service hub at former
hospital site
> (https://bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eaad53fe6e110e588b2338560&id=9a4d48ac54&e=4caf954588<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/jCOKCo2XWJigG5puqhVld?domain=bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com>)
January 18: Boulder City Council unanimously supports plan to buy
> (https://bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eaad53fe6e110e588b2338560&id=fafbfafdd8&e=4caf954588<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/pXO-CpYLWViVLqEtNEY4N?domain=bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com>)
January 20: Boulder plans 9 new events in effort to diversify public
engagement by City Council
> (https://bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eaad53fe6e110e588b2338560&id=bbe12d914e&e=4caf954588<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/EPWlCqxLW8iErn6c87xT5?domain=bobyatesboulder.us13.list-manage.com>)
January 21: Boulder City Council charts policy goals at annual retreat
January 24: Boulder defines new Housing Advisory Board's role
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> City of Boulder Community Newsletter
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1,964 people subscribe to the Boulder Bulletin. You can find past issues
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> ** Council Meetings & Study Sessions
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Unless otherwise noted, all council meetings and study sessions and
> meetings begin at 6:00 at City Council Chambers, second floor, 1777
Broadway. Information current as of first Monday of the month, but
> to change.
> Confirm agendas here.
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Tuesday, February 6: Council Meeting
> Annexation of properties on Violet & Upland; co-op housing check-in
Tuesday, February 13: Study Session
> Public participation training
> Tuesday, February 20: Council Meeting
> Chautauqua access management; agreements with Xcel; Hogan-Pancost
> Tuesday, February 27: Study Session
> Affordable housing funding; accessory dwelling units
> Monday, March 5: Council Meeting
> Housing Advisory Board; 30th & Pearl development agreement
> Contact Bob
> Email: yatesb at bouldercolorado.gov (mailto:yatesb at bouldercolorado.gov)
Voice Message: 720.310.5829
> Office: 1200 Pearl Street, Suite 209, Boulder (email in advance for
> Twitter: @bobyatesboulder
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