[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Questions re: Homeless Presentation

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed May 17 15:31:46 MDT 2017

Sender: Burton, Jan


Thanks to everyone involved in last night’s presentation to Council and the community about our thoughts on the Homeless strategy. In particular, thanks to the entire Working Group, and apologies to those members who felt disenfranchised by the process.

The progress was admirable. I was particularly impressed by the support from Greg Harms and Isabel McDevitt, because both of their organizations are critical to the success of our program.

Here are my questions:

1.       Inferred in the program is buy-in and execution of the Housing First model. Excellent news. This was suggested by the County consultant a year ago, and this has proven to be the right model across the country. However, it was barely mentioned last night, and I believe the materials mention options of either 30 or 60 new permanent housing options per year. Isn’t this terribly inadequate to serve the needs? When will we be discussing this part of the strategy?

2.       There was mention that this strategy would serve Boulder County’s needs, and I appreciate the fact that Longmont and Boulder County have been involved in this working group. How much effort and money will the other cities put towards our strategy and program, and are they willing to execute portions in their communities?

3.       For Greg: I understand you have been working to a Management Plan and a Good Neighbor plan. Does this plan (and what you have agreed to) fit within the Management Plan. In other words, are you “good to go”, or do we need to revise the Plan and get the neighborhood involved?

4.       Isabel, you mentioned in your letter that “for too long we have created artificial obstacles for homeless people by requiring them to run all over town to meet their basic needs.” What in the recommendation prevents people from this (how have we fixed the problem)? In addition, you quite succinctly listed the requirements for successful implementation. How will we measure these?

5.       What are the pro’s and con’s of using the Boulder Community Hospital site for the next 3 years, while we do community feedback sessions, planning, and prep for our site development. I don’t want to hear that there is asbestos on site, because that’s not an issue unless we start ripping up the building. I’m talking about light redevelopment for short term use WHILE WE BUILD HOUSING.  Our agencies could use that space to provide services.

6.       This seems like a good plan, but we haven’t seen the project implementation plan, with timeline, to give our faith community and homeless advocates a more clear direction on the timing of all this. Can you please share?

7.       It was very comforting that Jane assured us twice that the LOI recently sent out would be flexible in nature.  How will you keep us posted on the plan for the summer in advance of the June 20 meeting?

Thanks again to everyone for their involvement.

Jan Burton
Member of City Council

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