[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Re: Sex offender

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue May 2 10:13:36 MDT 2017

Sender: Morzel, Lisa

Thank you, Greg, for this information.

I have a few additional questions about this current situation.

1. Is this individual required to check in every night with the Boulder homeless shelter?  If so and he does not show up at the pre-requisite time, what options does the homeless shelter have in terms of location where this individual is?   Will this individual be required to wear some kind of a GPS bracelet so that we the community and you the police know his location at all times?  For what duration of time will this individual be housed in a parole bed at the shelter?   What protections will others staying at the Boulder homeless shelter have against this individual?

2.  What is defined as a parole bed?  How is it that the Longmont Police Department was successful in rejecting his coming and living in Longmont?  How is it that Boulder is required to take this person in or is it required?  Could Boulder, like Longmont, reject this individual's presence in our community, especially given the fact that some of his crimes were committed in our community?  How many parole beds are there at the boulder homeless shelter?  are parole beds located elsewhere in the city of Boulder?

3.  Is this individual required to seek counseling while he is staying at the homeless shelter?  I assume this individual has a parole officer; at what frequency is this individual required to check in with his parole officer?  Where is his parole officer stationed?

4.   Is this individual required to be in a day program so that the community knows where this individual is during day hours?  Will anyone be assigned to monitor this individual's movements during the day while he is housed at the Boulder homeless shelter?  Who will reimburse the city of Boulder and Boulder homeless shelter for allowing this individual to stay at no cost to him at the Boulder homeless shelter?  Are our taxpayers required to pay for this individual?

5.   What protections does the community have in making sure that this individual is not a threat to the many school children who attend various schools in our North Boulder neighborhood?   What about other places in our community where the public gathers freely? What protections will be offered to the general public?

I may have additional questions but I would appreciate if we could get answers to the ones posted above.

Greatly appreciate your informing us of this situation.

Thank you


Lisa Morzel
Member, Boulder City Council
303-815-6723 c
303-938-8520 h

On May 2, 2017, at 9:46 AM, Testa, Greg <TESTAG at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:TESTAG at bouldercolorado.gov>> wrote:

Dear Council Members,

As you may know Christopher Lawyer, a parolee and person who has been identified as a sexually violent predator by the State of Colorado has registered with the police department and indicated he is going to be staying at the Shelter.  Mr. Lawyer was originally arrested for committing crimes in Boulder and convicted in 2001.  He served 16 years in the Department of Corrections and was paroled in 2016 to his mother’s house just east of the city limits in unincorporated Boulder County.  At some point during his stay at his mother’s house he violated the terms of his parole and was rearrested and served six months.

He was recently released and had plans to live in Jamestown.  Mr. Lawyer didn’t move to Jamestown for several reasons, including limited cell service, which is needed for his ankle monitor.  Also, law enforcement response to Jamestown is 30-40 minutes away.   He then had plans to move to Longmont and to stay in a motel.  The motel owner indicated he could not stay due to community concern.

The Boulder Police Department was recently told that Mr. Lawyer would be staying at the Shelter.  We were not involved in the decision making process in this case or in any similar case.  I have been told that the Shelter has “parole beds”, which I was not aware of.  Additionally, Shelter staff has stated that it’s law enforcement’s policy for paroled sex offenders to say at the Shelter rather than  live on the street, because we (law enforcement) know the location where the offender is staying.  I think it’s accurate to say that law enforcement would prefer an offender to be registered and staying at a physical location with an address, in lieu of living on the street or in a vehicle; however, we would prefer that these types of offenders not come to our community in the first place.   I am not aware of any local law enforcement policy regarding this assertion.

The Boulder Police Department has notified our community that Mr. Lawyer has registered and is staying at the Shelter.  We have had many conversations with State officials regarding this matter and have spoken with Shelter staff.  We are continuing to meet and gather information to determine how long Mr. Lawyer will be staying at the Shelter and we are following up on information that he may be moving his parole out of state.

The State of Colorado has specific laws regarding sex offenders and those individuals who have been labeled sexually violent predators (SVP’s), including registering with the local law enforcement agency in the community they are going to reside.  The Boulder Police Department, like other law enforcement agencies, is not consulted in agreeing to allow these offenders to stay in their communities.  We often learn they will reside in our community when they register with us as required by law.

I hope this information helps to understand this situation better.

Sincerely, Greg

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