[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Re: CU South

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Jun 5 14:31:05 MDT 2017

Sender: Shoemaker, Andrew


As we should not engage in a debate on HOTLINE, I will not respond on this issue on HOTLINE after this posting.  However, in light of your posting today, I am providing the following information so that Council and the readers of HOTLINE understand the reasoning of CAC this morning.  CAC previously scheduled Attention Homes to be a called up on consent, in an attempt to limit the burden on the public and the Council with the potential of multiple hearings on the subject (i.e., a public hearing on the call up decision and, if called up, an additional public hearing revisiting the Planning Board's work). Several Council members indicated an interest in not having the call up of Attention Homes on consent, but rather in discussing the call up issue tomorrow evening.  That means there would be the potential for a Council decision tomorrow evening that results in no call up of the project, and our new rules require a public hearing under those circumstances.  Accordingly, anticipating that Attention Homes would be pulled off the consent agenda, we had to schedule a public hearing for the call up decision tomorrow evening.  Based on the volume of people speaking at Planning Board on the subject (see  http://www.dailycamera.com/news/boulder/ci_30999887/boulder-board-delays-vote-1440-pine-st-proposal), it was determined that there is the potential for such a large group also to appear for a City Council public hearing on the subject, and therefore that the meeting would potentially stretch into the morning.  Accordingly, we reverted to what CAC had been planning previously (i.e., before CU South was added to Tuesday's agenda just last week)  -- CU South will be addressed in the BVCP discussion on June 13th, with July 11th serving as a backup for Council deliberations, with a vote on July 18th if necessary.


Boulder board delays vote on 1440 Pine St. proposal after ...<http://www.dailycamera.com/news/boulder/ci_30999887/boulder-board-delays-vote-1440-pine-st-proposal>
Messy roads under a deluge of wet spring snow didn't stop more than 100 citizens from packing the Municipal Building on Thursday night for a nearly four-hour public ...


From: Yates, Bob
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 12:30 PM
Subject: CU South

Council Colleagues:

I understand from the City Manager that, this morning, the Council Agenda Committee decided to remove the discussion of CU South from tomorrow night's agenda. Please be advised that I do not support this last-minute change and that I will vote against a such an agenda amendment at the beginning of our meeting tomorrow evening, for the following reasons:

First, we previously advised the community that we would be discussing CU South tomorrow evening. To pull the item on barely 24 hours' notice is inappropriate, particularly for a matter of such great community interest.

Second, if we don't discuss CU South tomorrow evening, I don't know when we will find time to do so. The disposition of CU South is a crucial part of the Comprehensive Plan, which Council is scheduled to approve on June 13.  If we don't discuss CU South tomorrow evening, we will either need to delay, by at least a month, approval of the Comp Plan; or we will need to remove CU South from the Comp Plan altogether, likely delaying the work on flood mitigation protection for residents living downstream. Neither is acceptable.

At tomorrow evening's meeting, I will urge you to take up the discussion of CU South, as we promised the community.

Best regards,


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