[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: RE: Celebration of immigration / cultural heritage

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Jun 30 10:09:14 MDT 2016

Sender: Marin, Corina

Dear Council Member White:

Thank you for your thoughts. This is in response to your inquiry for clarification on the issue of the Celebration of Immigrant Heritage. It is understood that the goal of the HRC funding is as you have indicated, “city should allocate funds to better support Indigenous Peoples Day and two stand-alone funding streams and community celebrations.” However, since the Celebration of Immigrant Heritage (CoIH) request for proposals is a public notice, we cannot prohibit or exclude anyone from applying. This is why in the response to Lisa I indicated, “Native People are welcome to apply.”

As for the Indigenous People’s Day celebration on Oct. 10, I understand the intent of the $5000 that the HRC has reserved is for the subcommittee to plan an inaugural ceremony. This is not a public request for proposals, but rather the HRC working with a community group to develop an event. This is why in the response to Lisa I indicated, “In addition to the Celebration of Immigrant Heritage, the Human Relations Commission (HRC) has been working with members of the Boulder Native American community to recognize and celebrate indigenous cultures. The HRC has reserved $5000 of its budget, in addition to the $5000 for Celebration of Immigrant Heritage, for a ceremony that will take place on Oct. 10. Details are still being developed between HRC and the Native American community.”

I hope this clarifies the situation. Please let Karen, and/or me, know if you have comments or other questions.


Carmen Atilano

Manager, Community Relations and Office of Human Rights


O: 303-441-3141

atilanoc at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:atilanoc at bouldercolorado.gov>

-----Original Message-----
From: Shirly White [mailto:shirly.lee.white at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 10:11 AM
To: Atilano, Carmen <AtilanoC at bouldercolorado.gov>
Cc: Rahn, Karen <RahnK at bouldercolorado.gov>; Marin, Corina <MarinC at bouldercolorado.gov>
Subject: Re: Celebration of immigration / cultural heritage

Hi Carmen and Karen,

I got your reply to Council Member Morzel’s question about Celebration of Immigrant Heritage.  I'm writing for clarification.  I'm not entirely sure why Native People would apply under the Celebration of Immigrant Heritage grant process.  I agree with Council Member Morzel’s comment that "...this group of people are not immigrants but are a minority who could very well contribute to a celebration of cultural heritage."  But the CIH fund was established to celebrate and recognize the contribution of newcomers, not indigenous people.  To me, it detracts from both groups to have them lumped together.  Rather, I think the City should allocate funds to better support Indigenous Peoples Day and two stand-alone funding streams and community celebrations.

Thank you,

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 8:20 AM, Atilano, Carmen <AtilanoC at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:AtilanoC at bouldercolorado.gov>> wrote:
Hi Shirly.

Yes a response was provided. I am including Corina (new HS staff member who handles correspondence to City Council) in this email to send you a copy of that response.

Please let Karen or   me know if you have questions.


Community Relations and Office of Human Rights
Department of Human Services
2160 Spruce St, Boulder


On Jun 23, 2016, at 8:00 AM, Shirly White <shirly.lee.white at gmail.com<mailto:shirly.lee.white at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Carmen and Karen,

I'm wondering if you've replied to Lisa Morzel's question yet.  I'm copied on the message as well.  I can reply if you'd like, but seems like it should come from staff.

Karen, hope your father is feeling better.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Morzel, Lisa <MorzelL at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:MorzelL at bouldercolorado.gov>>
Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 12:43 PM
Subject: Celebration of immigration / cultural heritage
To: HOTLINE <HOTLINE at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:HOTLINE at bouldercolorado.gov>>, Council <Council at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:Council at bouldercolorado.gov>>, "Gelhaar, Linda" <GelhaarL at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:GelhaarL at bouldercolorado.gov>>, "Atilano, Carmen" <AtilanoC at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:AtilanoC at bouldercolorado.gov>>, White Shirly <shirly.lee.white at gmail.com<mailto:shirly.lee.white at gmail.com>>

In this morning's Daily Camera was an article in the local section (1B) regarding the upcoming Celebration of Immigrant Heritage in October and a rfp issued by our HRC. In the article, a statement from the city expanded on the criteria: "Funds must be used for events that honor the experience and contributions of the experience and contributions of the many immigrants who have shaped our city........"

My question is will applications from Native People be accepted to apply for this rfp as this group of people are not immigrants but are a minority who could very well contribute to a celebration of cultural heritage.

Thank you.


Lisa Morzel
Member, Boulder City Council

303-938-8520<tel:303-938-8520> h
303-815-6723<tel:303-815-6723> c

"We interact with one another as individuals responding to a complex haze of factors: professional responsibilities, personal likes and dislikes, ambition, jealousy, self-interest, and, in at least some instances, genuine altruism.  Living in the here and now, we are awash with sensations of the present, memories of the past, and expectations and fears for the future. Our actions are not determined by any one cause; they are the fulfillment of who we are at that particular moment.  After that moment passes, we continue to evolve, to change, and our memories of that moment inevitably change with us as we live with the consequences of our past actions, consequences we were unaware of at the time." The Last Stand, Nathaniel Philbrick
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