[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Proposal for Science Tuesdays

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Feb 16 15:45:14 MST 2016

Sender: Jones, Suzanne

Dear Colleagues—

Per the request of CAC, see below for Lisa and my proposal regarding Science Tuesdays—for consideration tonight under Matters from City Council.

Zan and Lisa

Proposal for Science Tuesdays:
Raising our Scientific Literacy on Climate Change & Other Related Issues

To:   Council
From:      Suzanne Jones and Lisa Morzel
Date:      February 16, 2016


·       Every two months as scheduling allows, invite local scientists to present cutting-edge research and findings in 30 minute presentations before City Council meetings. Presentations would start at 5:30 pm, with 20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes for Council Q & A, with Council meeting starting promptly afterwards at 6:00 pm.


·       Showcase the impressive work of local, nationally-renowned scientists and other experts doing seminal research in our own backyard

·       Raise the scientific literacy of Council, staff, and the community on Climate Change & other related sustainability issues

·       Provide a solid grounding for Boulder’s policy positions and programs in addressing the urgent issue of climate change, including mitigation, adaptation, and other related sustainability responses to help the community understand the urgency of and need for our numerous City initiatives devoted to reducing GHG emissions.


·       Jones and Morzel will reach out into the community --including NOAA, NCAR, the University, etc.— to find good presenters who can present current data, research and findings about climate change to the community in 15-18 minute televised segments at the beginning of City Council meetings. Other Council members should feel free to suggest names.

·       Speakers would be chosen for their knowledge, reputation and ability to present complex material in a short period of time, similar to the talks one can see on TED.


When we did this previously, we invited presenters that covered the following topics:

·       Overview of climate science

·       Disappearing Ice & Paleoclimate

·       Impacts on Water Resources

·       Ocean Acidification

Other topics we could consider for the future, include:

Direct/Indirect Climate Impacts

·       Latest findings about speed of climate impacts—e.g., we’d like to see if we can get Kevin Trenberth (head of the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research) to come back

·       Health of Forests

·       Drought & Agriculture

·       Impacts to Alpine Flora & Fauna

Related Sustainability Topics

·       Forecasts about Driverless Car Technology and Impacts on Transportation Planning—e.g., John Walker from Rocky Mt Institute, who did great mini talk to DBI

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