[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Standing Rock Resolution Agenda Item for Tonight

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Dec 6 15:59:16 MST 2016

Sender: Rahn, Karen

Council Members,

Based on feedback and the recent decision of the Army Corps of Engineers, staff has revised Resolution 1200 - A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY OF BOULDER'S SUPPORT FOR THE STANDING ROCK SIOUX TRIBE'S OPPOSITION TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE,  which was in your Dec. 6 meeting packet.
A copy of the revised Resolution is attached.

Because of time constraints, staff could not confirm allegations in the original resolution submitted to Council in the Dec. 6 meeting packet, which was reflected in the staff recommendation.  Council retains the option to pass the original resolution.

Thank you.

Karen Rahn
Director, Human Services Department
[cid:image002.jpg at 01D24FD9.99BFD830]
O: 303-441-3161<tel:303-441-3161> | M: 720-289-1745<tel:720-289-1745>
RahnK at BoulderColorado.gov<mailto:RahnK at BoulderColorado.gov>
909 Arapahoe | Boulder, CO 80304
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